News coverage on "Joyce M Kuok Foundation Admission Scholarship" awarded to CIHE Physiotherapy Students

12 Aug 2022

A scholarship for CIHE students studying the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy (BScPT) Programme was established under the generous support by the Joyce M Kuok Foundation. The scholarship will be awarded in four consecutive years, with $2 million per year, to students with outstanding DSE results, with excellent academic performance, or to support those with financial difficulties.  Here are the related news coverage(Chinese only):

明愛頒入學獎學金予18位學生 最高資助逾7.7萬學費 (AM730)

 明專連續4年獲贈200萬元 設獎學金助物理治療學生追夢 (東網)

明專物理治療18人獲獎學金 學費或全免 (星島網/星島日報)

明愛專上學院物理治療課程18名學生獲獎學金 資助最多7.7萬學費 (香港01)

明愛專上學院18名物理治療學生獲頒入學獎學金 (頭條日報)
