Interviews on Hong Kong wealth inequality issues

16 Jul 2024
Prof. WONG Yu Cheung, Dean of the Felizberta Lo Padilla Tong School of Social Sciences, SFU, was interview by a number of media regarding to a recent survey by the UBS on wealth inequality. The survey states that Hong Kong's wealth gap dropped by 5.9% from 2008 to 2023. Prof. WONG said that the drop in Hong Kong property prices, and a decrease in number of high-income individuals may be possible reasons of this phenomenon, and the later may  caused by people who had sold assets and left the city, or by those who had suffered a decline in earnings.

Media coverages as follows:

South China Morning Post: Hong Kong wealth gap narrows over past 15 years, but rival Singapore sees 23% increase

RTHK Radio 3: 
Backchat (Wealth Gap figures part)
