CIHE & CBCC Health Sciences Programmes recevied 18,000 applications
The School of Health Sciences of Caritas Institute of Higher Education (CIHE) and the Department of Health Sciences of Caritas Bianchi College of Careers (CBCC) have received a leap in applications for health science-related courses, including the Higher Diploma in Enrolled Nursing, following the release of this year's Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) results.
The two schools/departments have received a total of 18,000 applications through JUPAS and non-JUPAS, representing a significant increase compared to the same period last year. Professor Eric CHAN, Dean of the School of Health Sciences, attributes this increase to the confidence that students and parents have in the quality of health science-related programmes offered by CIHE. Moreover, the healthcare industry is in urgent need of skilled health science professionals and admitting more students could help fill the market's shortage of manpower.
For students who did not achieve their desired results in the DSE and did not score high enough to be admitted to a university, CBCC is offering a one-year Diploma in Health Science (DipHS) programme in the 2023/24 academic year. This programme provides students with fundamental health science knowledge and prepares them for a career as healthcare professionals.
Mr Dominic LEE, Associate Director (Admissions, Careers and Public Affairs) of Caritas Institute of Higher Education, highlighted that the DipHS programme has a clear articulation pathway. Upon completion of the DipHS, students can continue their studies in the Higher Diploma in Pharmaceutical Dispensing (HDPD) or the Higher Diploma in Health Care (HDHC) programme. Graduates of these higher diploma programmes can further their education in the Bachelor of Nursing (Applied Degree Places) (BNAD) programme or become executives of healthcare settings by enrolling in the Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) (Part-time Top-up Programme) (BHS) programme.
LEE also emphasised that those who have completed the HDPD programme could pursue careers as dispensers, while those who have completed the HDHC could join the workforce as healthcare workers.
The DipHS programme is suitable for students who have completed Form 6 and obtained at least a Level 1 in Chinese and English in the HKDSE. There are 120 places available for this academic year, and interested students are welcome to apply and inquire.
For more information about the DipHS programme, please visit:
For more information about the HDPD programme, please visit:
Caritas Institute of Higher Education Increases Nursing Programme Places to 640
In response to the increasing demand for healthcare professionals due to the ageing population, Caritas Institute of Higher Education has increased the places of its Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) programme from 520 to 640 for the 2023/24 Academic Year. The increased places include both 5-year programme and 3.5-year applied degree programme, and all places are supported by the "Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP)". With this increase, CIHE is now the institute offering the largest number of nursing programme quotas in Hong Kong.
Facing the aging society, the demand in the healthcare industry will be increased as expected. According to the latest Report of the Strategic Review on Healthcare Manpower Planning and Professional Development issued by the Health Bureau, the estimated manpower gap for nursing staff would be expanded in the coming years.
Prof Eric CHAN, Dean of the School of Health Sciences of CIHE, welcomes the approval from the authorities in increasing the places for the nursing degree, which provide more chances for students to develop their careers in the healthcare industry while relieving the shorthanded healthcare industry. The increase in places also strengthens CIHE's dedication to nurturing the next generation of healthcare professionals.
Students of the Bachelor of Nursing (Honour) are required to complete clinical placements during their studying period. CIHE is striving for the best to cooperate with hospitals and healthcare settings from both the public and private sectors to enhance students' exposure and experiences in the realistic healthcare settings.
Other than the increase in quotas for the Bachelor of Nursing (Honour) Programme offered by CIHE, Caritas Bianchi College of Careers (CBCC) also expanded the places for Higher Diploma in Health Care (HDHC) from 120 to 160 places, hoping to provide diversified choices of programmes to students with different academic results or career and articulation goals. Graduates of HDHC might advance to BNAD via the distinctive, through-train articulation pathway.
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