The 1st Annual Learning and Teaching Symposium of Saint Francis University was successfully held on 6 May 2024

06 May 2024
The 1st Annual Learning and Teaching Symposium of Saint Francis University was successfully held on 6 May 2024 and attracted 200 participants to our campus.

Under the theme of 'Forging Educational Partnerships between Academia, Community and Industry', Centre for Excellence from Saint Francis University invited experienced scholars and practitioners from different stakeholders to share in-depth experience and insights about teaching and learning at university of applied sciences.

We are honoured to have Prof Lo Tit Wing, the Acting President of Saint Francis University to deliver an opening remark, and Dr Turo Kilpeläinen, President and CEO of LAB University of Applied Sciences, Finland as the keynote speaker with the title of presentation 'Universities of Applied Sciences in Practice – Case Finland'.

Prof Lo expressed his gratitude to everyone who attended and the speakers of the symposium. He shared the concept and the core values of SFU as 'Integrate into the community and share with our neighbours'(融入社區 市民共享) and 'Regardless of students' starting point, they will complete the journey'(不問起點 終點見).

Dr Turo Kilpeläinen shared the valuable experience on the Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) development in Finland. There are 24 Universities of Applied Sciences and over 169,000 students in Finland. UASs become part of Finnish education system since the UAS sector was developed from the vocational institutions in 1992. Dr Turo Kilpeläinen also provided his viewpoint of UAS development in Hong Kong, as well as how to establish credibility and prestige of UASs and make sure the employers understand what competencies UAS degrees provided.
