The Institute Secretariat was formally established in 1998 in order to provide administrative and secretarial support to the Board of Governors, the Council and the President. It is responsible for four major areas of work:

  1. Human Resources Management;
  2. Staff Development and Training;
  3. Committee Servicing;
  4. General Administration.

The Institute Secretariat comprises the Institute Secretary, Administrative Officers and Clerical Officers. The Institute Secretary, who is a member of the Senior Management Group of the Institute, is the Head of the Institute Secretariat and reports directly to the President.

The Institute Secretariat perceives its future development in

  1. focusing on Human Resource Management as its major responsibility area;
  2. exploring more opportunities in terms of staffing resources;
  3. ensuring professional training and development on the part of its staff and
  4. streamlining operational procedures to achieve greater efficiency and quality assurance.