Name SIN Yuen Yee, Rosana
Title Ms
Address Rm A515
Telephone 3702 4567
School Rita Tong Liu School of Business and Hospitality Management


I received my Degrees of LLB, PCLL and LLM at the City University of Hong Kong. I also studied Chinese Law and received my second LLM Degree at Renmin University of China.

I am a non-practising solicitor of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Before joining Caritas Institute of Higher Education (previously known as Caritas Francis Hsu College), I worked in a law firm in Hong Kong. I have substantial experience in teaching legal and compliance subjects for Sub-Degree and Bachelor Degree programmes.


The legal and compliance subjects that I am now teaching at Bachelor Degree level are: “Legal Environment for Business”, “Business Law”, “Hong Kong Corporate Law I”, “Hong Kong Corporate Law II” and “Company Law”.


I am a non-practising member of the Law Society of Hong Kong.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests:
