Dr HONG Wai Lin Athena
Basic Information
Dr HONG Wai Lin Athena |
Associate Professor of Practice Programme Leader
A826 |
3653 6608 |
ahong@sfu.edu.hk |
S.K. Yee School of Health Sciences |
Athena is a registered nurse in Hong Kong and in New South Wales, Australia. She has obtained the Bachelor of Applied Science (Nursing), Master of Health Administration, PhD of Philosophy in Medical Sciences and a Fellow Membership of FHKAN (Education & Research – Education).
She has spent more than 20 years working in the nursing teaching, research and clinical practice both in Hong Kong and Australia. Now She has worked as an Assistant Professor in Caritas Institute of Higher Education in Hong Kong for teaching the health sciences programme.
Her goal is going to act as a teacher in nursing education to help the students' nurses enriching their health knowledge in order to contribute themselves to the needs in the community.
Education & Qualification
BAppSc (Nsg) The University of Sydney, Master of Health Administration The University of New South Wales, PhD (Medical Sciences) CUHK, Dip (Epidemiology and Applied Statistics) CUHK, RN (HK & Australia), FHKAN (Education & Research - Education)
- Fellow Membership, The Hong Kong College of Education and Research in Nursing, The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing (FHKAN(Education & Research – Education)).
- Life Member, Association of Hong Kong Nursing Staff, Hong Kong.
- Indicative Register of Teachers of Nurses, Nursing Board of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Involved Programme(s): Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
Her past research interest is physical activities such as Tai Chi and Resistance Training Exercise for the Chinese women and the elderly in the community. And the current interest is based on the technology i.e. an interactive game to enrich knowledge of the Sex Education for Hong Kong Secondary School Students.
Selected Publications
- Cheung, D.S.T.,Chau, P.H.,Yeung, W.F.,Deng, W.,Hong, A.W.L., & Tiwari, A.F.Y. (2021). Assessing the effect of a mind-body exercise, qigong Baduanjin, on sleep disturbance among women experiencing intimate partner violence and possible mediating factors: a randomized-controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 17(5),993-1003.
- Cheung, D.S.T., Tsao, S.W., Ho, R.T.H., Chan, C.L.W., Fong, D.Y.T., Chau, P.H., Hong, A.W.L., Fung, H.Y.K.Y., Ma, J.L.C., & Tiwari, A.F.Y. (2019). Effect of a Qigong intervention on telomerase activity and mentla health in Chinese women survivors of intimate partner violence. A randomized Clinical trial. JAMA Network Open, 2(1),1-12.
- Kwan, A.C.M., Chu, S.K.W.,Hong, A.W.L., Tam, F.,Lee, G.M.Y., & Mellecker, R. (2015). Making smart choices: A serious game for sex education for young adolescents. International Journal of Game-based Learning, 5(1),18-30.
- Chu, S.K.W., Kwan, A., Reynolds, R., Mellecker, R., Tam, F., Lee, G., Hong, A., & Leung, C.Y. (2015). Promoting sex education among teenagers through an interactive game: Reasons for success & implications. Games for Health Journal: Research, Development and Clinical Applications, 4(3), 168-174.
- Tiwari, A., Chan, C.L.W, Ho, R.T.H., Tsao, G.S.W., Deng, W., Hong, A.W.L., Fong, D.Y.T., Fung, H.Y.K.Y., Pang, E.P.S., Cheung, D.S.T., & Ma, J.L.C. (2014). Effect of a Qigong intervention program on telomerase activity and psychological stress in abused Chinese women: a randomized, wait-list controlled trial. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 14:300.
Community Participation and Achievement/Public Service
- Participated 2 weeks COVID-19 Community Check up Programme in 2020.
- (01/01/2019 to 31/08/2021) External Examiner (NURS4068EF Microbiology and Infection Control Management under the Open University of Hong Kong, Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Eduication, LiPACE.
- (01/2018 to 01/2020) External Examiner (Higher Diploma in General Nursing (Enrolled Nurse) Programme under Union Hospital.
- Obtained the Excellent Health Promotion Project Award in Health Research Symposium 2017. Act as a co-investigator, the name of the research title is “Developing an interactive social game playable on iPhones, iPads and Facebook for promoting sexuality education among youngsters” which is funded by the Health Care and Promotion Fund