Basic Information

Name Dr MOK Lai Fong Annie
Title Assistant Professor
Address A538-D
Telephone 3702 4438
School & Department S.K. Yee School of Health Sciences


Dr Annie Mok is an Assistant Professor at the School of Health Sciences. She earned her Nursing Degree and Master's Degree in Australia and has been a cardiac nurse in Hong Kong and Australia, and an emergency nurse in Hong Kong. She completed her doctoral degree in Hong Kong. She joined CIHE in 2020.

Education & Qualification

Doctor of Nursing. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Master of Nursing. Queensland University Technology
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Education. Hong Kong Polytechnology.
BSc (Nursing) Australian Catholic University
Professional Certificate in Emergency Nursing. Institute of Nursing.
Registered Nurse (HK & Australia)
Registered Midwife


Annie involves in the Bachelor of Nursing  (Honours) Programme, nursing skills and performs clinical teaching. She is enthusiastic about stimulation through the implementation of an alternate mode of Accident and Emergency for students. She encourages students to participate the voluntary service in the community.  

Involved programme(s): Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)


Annie's research focused on stress: the stress of patients, the stress of nursing students, and the stress of new graduate nurses.

Selected Publications

Community Participation and Achievement/Public Service

