Dr WONG Yat Cheung Maggie
Basic Information
Dr WONG Yat Cheung Maggie |
Assistant Professor |
A826 |
3702 4248 |
ycmwong@sfu.edu.hk |
S.K. Yee School of Health Sciences |
Dr Wong Yat Cheung Maggie has over 20 years of clinical experience that includes critical care, oncology, rehabilitation, psycho-oncology care and primary health care. In addition, she has worked as a Rehabilitation Adviser in Australia and Worker Injury Risk Management Manger and Lifestyle Educator in Hong Kong. She developed and taught several occupational health-related curriculums at the tertiary level in Hong Kong and received a grant from Radio and Television Hong Kong (RTHK) to produce a lifestyle modification broadcasting series. Dr Wong has been invited to give more than 20 occupational health talks by various industries such as construction, textiles and health care.
Education & Qualification
BN, MN, Master of Safety Science, PhD, dip (Epidermiology and Applied Statistics), RN (HK & Australia)
- Member, UNSW College of Nursing
- Member, Hong Kong Association of Critical Care Nurses
- Member, Association of Hong Kong Nursing Staff
Involved Programme(s): Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
Dr Wong’s areas of interest are in occupational health service practice, implementation, occupational health nurse development and attributes of primary health care in nursing.
- Wong, Y.C.M, 2018, Workplace Health and Safety for Nurses in Hong Kong Hospitals: An Occupational Health Service Study; The Monash University.
- Wong, Y.C.M, 2002, Occupational Health Services (OHS) in Australian Hospitals; The University of NSW.
- Wong, Y.C.M, 1999, Self-concept and Caring Attributes of Hong Kong ICU Nurses; The Monash University.
Selected Publications
- Wong, Y.C.M, 2018, Workplace Health and Safety for Nurses in Hong Kong Hospitals: An Occupational Health Service Study; The Monash University.
- Wong, Y.C.M., Plummer, V., Francis K., Chan, E., Sellick, K.. (dec)., (2018), Workplace Health and Safety for Nurses in Hong Kong Hospitals: An Occupational Health Service Study, The Monash University. (Winner of the 3 Minute Thesis competition held at Monash Peninsula campus).
- Wong, Y.C.M., Plummer, V., Francis K., Chan, E., (2018), The HK Hospital Approach to Psychosocial Concern and Support For HK Nurses: 2018 International Psychosocial Oncology Society (IPOS) Congress poster presentation.
- Wong, Y.C.M., Plummer, V., Francis K., Chan, E., (2016), Factors of a Successful Occupational Health Service (OHS): HK ICN 9-11 Sep 2016, 9th International Council of Nurses (ICN) International Nurse Practitioner / Advanced Practice Nursing Network (INP/APNN) Conference, poster presentation.
- Wong, Y.C.M., Plummer, V.., Francis K., Chan, E, (2016), Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Movement in Hong Kong: HK ICN 9-11 Sep 2016, 9th International Council of Nurses (ICN) International Nurse Practitioner / Advanced Practice Nursing Network (INP/APNN) Conference, poster presentation.
Community Participation and Achievement/Public Service
- 2000-2002 2CR’s Broadcasting Host (Health and Science Programs) for Chinese immigrants
- 2004-2005 Jardine Ambassador
- 2007-2010 CLP Ltd, External Occupational Safety and Health Advisor
- 2016 Produced a series of lifestyle modification broadcasts for radio
- 2006 ‘Caring Company 2005-2006 Jardine Matheson Group Caring Ambassador’ from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service.
- 2012 Winner of the 3 Minute Thesis competition held at Monash Peninsula campus.
- 2013 Best oral presentation “Self-concept and caring attributes of Hong Kong ICU nurses” at the Hong Kong Association of Critical Care Nurses 15th Anniversary cum Annual Scientific Meeting: Changes and Challenges in Critical Care Nursing.