Name Prof CHAN Lu Shek Eric
Title S.K. Yee Dean
Office hours Mondays to Fridays, 09:00-18:00
School S.K. Yee School of Health Sciences
Department S.K. Yee Department of Health Sciences


I am currently S.K. Yee Dean, S.K. Yee School of Health Sciences at the Saint Francis University in Hong Kong. I was the Principal Nursing Officer of the Hospital Authority in Hong Kong for almost 20 years before taking on his current position in May 2014. I had extensive experience in the development of nursing and health services management. Prior to working in Hong Kong in 1993, I worked in hospitals, state and national health departments in Australia for 15 years in various capacities. I was responsible nationally for transfer of basic nurse education from hospital based school of nursing to the tertiary education sector. I also held visiting professorial appointments in universities in the Asia-Pacific region over the years. At the international level, I have been a regular consultant to the World Health Organization (WHO) on nursing development in the Western Pacific region. I was invited to act as the Chief Scientist for Nursing and Midwifery at WHO in Geneva between June and December 2010. I have been Vice Chair of the Global Advisory Group on Nursing and Midwifery (GAGNM) of WHO and a member of the STTI Global Advisory Panel on the Future of Nursing (GAPFON).


Academic appointments and teaching


Current and Past research

Membership of Professional Bodies

Current Professional Appointments

Selected Publications

  1. Chan WY, Fung IM, Chan E (2017). Universal Health Coverage through Community Nursing Services: China vs. Hong Kong. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem. 2017;25:e2838. doi:
  2. Fung IM, Chan WY, Chan E. (2016). Health services: governing body vs care receiver – a comparison between China and Hong Kong. International Journal of Health Governance, 21(2), 1-8. doi:10.1108/IJHG-03-2016-0019
  3. Chau, J.P.C., Lo, S.H.S., Choi, K.C., Chan, E.L.S., McHugh, M.D., Tong, D.W.K. , Angela M. L. Kwok, A.M.L, Ip, W.Y., Lee, I.F.K., & Lee, D.T.F. (2015). A longitudinal examination of the association between nurse staffing levels, the practice environment and nurse-sensitive patient outcomes in hospitals. BMC Health Services Research, 15, 538. doi:10.1186/s12913-015-1198-0
  4. Lee, D.T.F., Choi, K.C., Chan, C.W.H., Chair, S.Y., Chan, D., Fung, S.Y.K., Chan, E.L.S. (2013). The impact on patient health and service outcomes of introducing nurse consultants: a historically matched controlled study. BMC Health Services Research, 13(1), 431. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-431
  5. Chan, E (2010) Nursing and Midwifery Services Strategic Directions 2011-2015 (Editor as Chief Scientist Nursing and Midwifery, WHO), A WHO Publication