Prof LOW Lisa Pau Le
Basic Information
Prof LOW Lisa Pau Le |
Associate Dean (Research) Professor | |
S.K. Yee School of Health Sciences & S.K. Yee Department of Health Sciences |
Lisa completed her Bachelor of Nursing degree at the University of Liverpool, the UK with nursing and specialist health visiting qualifications. She continued to pursue her interest in gerontology and long-term care by completing an MPhil and PhD theses that examine residential care home practices for older people, family members and care providers. Over the years, her research and scholarly interests have encompassed service organization, utilization and collaborative care. Of particular interests include organization of care and practices, decision-making in residential care homes, leadership and management in long-term care, discharge planning for older patients and their family members, family decision-making of older people with mild-moderate dementia and intellectual disability using predominately qualitative research approaches. She has a deep passion and dedication to use, develop and continually learn to integrate her knowledge of gerontology and qualitative research into her academic career and post-doctoral developments. She has also been lecturing both undergraduate and postgraduate students in nursing, gerontology and qualitative research programmes.
Education & Qualification
PhD University of Sheffield
MPhil HKPolyU
BN University of Liverpool
RN (HK & UK)
Lisa's lecturing experiences at tertiary institutions have involved teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate students on the Bachelor programmes, including Nursing, Gerontology and Pharmacy, and Masters programmes, including Nursing and Clinical Gerontology. Currently, at CIHE, she is mainly involved in teaching courses on the Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) Programme.
Lisa's research interests include decision-making, family caregiving for dementia and intellectual disability, formal caregiving, leadership and management in long-term care settings, physical restraint, discharge planning, nursing care practices for older patients, teaching & learning of nursing students, educational web-based resources and qualitative methodology.
Funded Projects as Principal Investigator from 2009 to present
- Faculty Development Scheme of the RGC Competitive Research Funding Schemes for Local Self-financing Degree Sector (2019-2021). Care provider experiences of managing challenging behaviours in persons with intellectual disability in residential care: A qualitative vignette study.
- Professional Development Fund of the Association of Hong Kong Nursing Staff (2019-2020). Multi-media dementia caregiving resources: A study to determine its appropriateness, acceptability, relevancy and satisfaction among older family caregivers.
- Faculty Development Scheme of the RGC Competitive Research Funding Schemes for Local Self-financing Degree Sector (2017-2018). A qualitative exploration of leadership and management styles among management staff and how they influence the care providers caring for the older people in residential care homes.
- Faculty Development Scheme RGC Competitive Research Funding Schemes for Local Self-financing Degree Sector (2016-2017). Exploring family caregiving experiences and identifying the process of the ageing carers’ planning for continuation of care for the community-dwelling person with intellectual disability.
- Health and Medical Research Fund (2015-2017). Decision-making experiences of families of elders with moderate dementia towards community and care home services: A grounded theory inquiry.
- Lee Hysan Foundation Research Grant & Endowment Fund Research Fund (2012-2013). Making everyday decisions in residential care homes: Decision-making potential and challenges faced by family members of elders with mild to moderate dementia.
- CADENZA (2009-2013). Effects of an interactive eLearning Information Package (eLIP) for hospitalized older people and families to make decisions about discharge location.
Selected Publications
- Low, L.P.L., & Wong, K.K.Y. (2020). The conscious caregiver: A mindful approach to caring for your loved one without losing yourself. Journal of Women and Aging,
- Lao, S.W.S., Low, L.P.L., & Wong K.Y.K. (2019). Older residents' perceptions of family involvement in residential care. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Wellbeing, 14(1),
- Low, L.P.L. (2018). Decision-making in experiences and patterns in residential care homes of older residents, family members and care providers. In: Gerontology. London: InTechOpen Limited. Chapter 11.
- Low, L.P.L., Lam, L.W., & Fan, K.P. (2017). Decision-making experiences of family members of older adults with moderate dementia towards community and residential care home services: A grounded theory study protocol. BMC Geriatrics, 17, 120.
- Low, L.P.L., Chien, W.T., Lam, L.W., & Wong, K.Y.K. (2017). A qualitative study protocol of ageing carers' caregiving experiences and their planning for continuation of care for their immediate family members with intellectual disability. BMC Geriatrics, 17, 81.