Name | Chan Sin-wai |
Present Post | Professor-cum-Dean Ip Ying To Lee Yu Yee School of Humanities and Languages Saint Francis University |
Office Address | Room A624-1, 2 Chui Ling Lane, Tseung Kwan O, N.T., Hong Kong |
Telephone | (852) 3702 4310 | |
Professor Chan received his Bachelor of Arts from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and his doctorate from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. His research interests lie in translation technology, bilingual lexicography, and Chinese-English translation.
Professor Chan has taught courses in translation technology and computer-aided translation for many years.
7. VisualRecipe: An online visual translation system for Chinese cookbooks, funded by Caritas Institute of Higher Education
(Principal Investigator, Ref. No.: ISG200101; Funding Period: December 1, 2020 to November 30, 2022, Funding Amount: HK$1,962,000)
Book 94, Volume 110 Leung Sze Ming and Chan Sin-wai (eds.) (2024) Applying Technology to Language and Translation, London and New York: Routledge, 192 pages. |
Book 93, Volume 109 Chan Sin-wai (2024) 《中國經典名句引言大全》(A Dictionary of Chinese Popular Sayings and Famous Quotes), Guangzhou: Guangdong People's Publishing House 廣東人民出版社, 606 pages. |
Book 92, Volume 108 Chan Sin-wai, Mak Kin-wah, and Leung Sze Ming (eds.) (2024) Routledge Encyclopedia of Technology and the Humanities, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 367 pages. |
Book 91, Volume 107 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2024) Saint Francis Prize in Techno-Humanities (2024) Award Ceremony, International Conference: New Frontiers in Techno-Humanities, Hong Kong: Caritas Institute of Higher Education. |
Book 90, Volume 106 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2023) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology, 2nd edition, London and New York: Routledge, 876 pages. |
Book 89, Volume 105 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2022) Techno-Humanities at Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Hong Kong: Caritas Institute of Higher Education. |
Book 88, Volume 104 Chan Sin-wai (2021) 《中國經典名句引言大全》(A Dictionary of Chinese Popular Sayings and Famous Quotes), Hong Kong: The Commercial Press 商務印書館, 606 pages. |
Book 87, Volume 103 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2020) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Culture, London and New York: Routledge, 449 pages. |
Book 86, Volume 102 Chan Sin-wai (2019) A New Comprehensive Cantonese-Putonghua-English Dictionary (《粵普英順逆序大辭典》), Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 640 pages. |
Book 85, Volume 101 Chan, Sin-wai (ed.) (2019)《世界經典短篇小說精選:幽默》(Selected World Classic Short Stories: Humor), Beijing: 中國宇航出版社 China Astronautic Publishing House, 355 pages. |
Book 84, Volume 100 Chan, Sin-wai (ed.) (2019)《世界經典短篇小說精選:驚悚》(Selected World Classic Short Stories: Thriller), Beijing: 中國宇航出版社 China Astronautic Publishing House, 379 pages. |
Book 83, Volume 99 Chan, Sin-wai (ed.) (2019)《世界經典短篇小說精選:推理》(Selected World Classic Short Stories: Mystery), Beijing: 中國宇航出版社 China Astronautic Publishing House, 341 pages. |
Book 82, Volume 98 Chan, Sin-wai (ed.) (2019)《世界經典短篇小說精選:科幻》(Selected World Classic Short Stories: Science), Beijing: 中國宇航出版社 China Astronautic Publishing House, 351 pages. |
Book 81, Volume 97 Chan, Sin-wai (ed) (2019)《世界經典短篇小說精選:溫情》(Selected World Classic Short Stories: Warmth), Beijing: 中國宇航出版社 China Astronautic Publishing House, 365 pages. |
Book 80, Volume 96 Chan, Sin-wai (ed) (2019)《世界經典短篇小說精選:青春》(Selected World Classic Short Stories: Youth), Beijing: 中國宇航出版社 China Astronautic Publishing House, 353 pages. |
Book 79, Volume 95 Chan, Sin-wai (ed.) (2019)《世界經典短篇小說精選:童心》(Selected World Classic Short Stories: Innocence), Beijing: 中國宇航出版社 China Astronautic Publishing House, 367 pages. |
Book 78, Volume 94 Chan, Sin-wai (ed) (2019)《世界經典短篇小說精選:勵志》(Selected World Classic Short Stories: Inspiration), Beijing: 中國宇航出版社 China Astronautic Publishing House, 339 pages. |
Book 77, Volume 93 Chan Sin-wai (ed) (2019)《世界經典短篇小說精選:時光》(Selected World Classic Short Stories: Time), Beijing: 中國宇航出版社 China Astronautic Publishing House, 371 pages. |
Book 76, Volume 92 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2019)《世界經典短篇小說精選:懸疑》(Selected World Classic Short Stories: Suspense), Beijing: 中國宇航出版社 China Astronautic Publishing House, 381 pages. |
Book 75, Volume 91 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2019)《世界經典短篇小說精選:諷刺》(Selected World Classic Short Stories: Satire), Beijing: 中國宇航出版社 China Astronautic Publishing House, 349 pages. |
Book 74, Volume 90 Chan Sin-wai (ed) (2019)《世界經典短篇小說精選:愛情》(Selected World Classic Short Stories: Love), Beijing: 中國宇航出版社 China Astronautic Publishing House, 373 pages. |
Book 73, Volume 89 Chan Sin-wai (2021) Buddhism in Late Ch'ing Political Thought, London and New York: Routledge, 202 pages. |
Book 72, Volume 88 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2018) An Encyclopedia of Practical Translation and Interpreting, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 560 pages. |
Book 71, Volume 87 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2018) The Human Factor in Machine Translation, London and New York: Routledge, 256 pages. |
Book 70, Volume 86 Chan Sin-wai (2017) The Future of Translation Technology: Towards a World without Babel, London and New York: Routledge, 320 pages. |
Book 69, Volume 85 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2017) The Palace Museum's Essential Collections: Chinese Antique Furniture, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 333 pages. |
Book 68, Volume 84 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2017) The Palace Museum's Essential Collections: Chinese Jade Ware, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 300 pages. |
Book 67, Volume 83 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2017) 《修德講學三十載》(Shaw College at Thirty), Hong Kong: Shaw College, 202 pages. |
Book 66, Volume 82 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2016) The Routledge Encyclopedia of the Chinese Language, London and New York: Routledge, 820 pages. |
Book 65, Volume 81 Chan Sin-wai (2016)《漢英順逆序大辭典》(A New Comprehensive Chinese-English Dictionary), Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, Volume 3, page 2229-3338. |
Book 65, Volume 80 Chan Sin-wai (2016)《漢英順逆序大辭典》(A New Comprehensive Chinese-English Dictionary), Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, Volume 2, pages 1013-2227. |
Book 65, Volume 79 Chan Sin-wai (2016)《漢英順逆序大辭典》(A New Comprehensive Chinese-English Dictionary), Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, Volume 1, pages 1-1011. |
Book 64, Volume 78 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2016) The Palace Museum's Essential Collections: Bronzeware from the Shang to Jin Dynasties, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 316 pages. |
Book 63, Volume 77 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2016) The Palace Museum's Essential Collections: Paintings of the Jin, Tang, Song, and Yuan Dynasties, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 316 pages. |
Book 62, Volume 76 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2014) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology, London and New York: Routledge, 756 pages. |
Book 61, Volume 75 Laurence K.P. Wong, John C.Y. Wang, and Chan Sin-wai (eds.) (2014) Two Voices in One: Essays in Asian and Translation Studies, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 188 pages. |
Book 60, Volume 74 Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (2014)《翻譯科技新視野》(New Vistas in Translation Technology), Beijing: 清華大學出版社Tsinghua University Press, 392 pages. |
Book 59, Volume 73 Laurence K.P. Wong and Chan Sin-wai (eds.) (2013) The Dancer and the Dance: Essays in Translation Studies, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 211 pages. |
Book 58, Volume 72 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1997)《我的兒子馬友友》(My Son Yo-Yo), Nanjing: Jiangsu Literature and Art Publishing House, 178 pages. |
Book 57, Volume 71 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2012) Scaling New Heights, Hong Kong: Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 56, Volume 70 Chan Sin-wai (rev.) The Biography of Lee Shau Kee, Hong Kong: Qin Jia Yuan Publishing Company, Volume 2. |
Book 56, Volume 69 Chan Sin-wai (rev.) The Biography of Lee Shau Kee, Hong Kong: Qin Jia Yuan Publishing Company, Volume 1. |
Book 55, Volume 68 Tao Tao Liu, Laurence K.P. Wong and Chan Sin-wai (eds.) (2012) Style, Wit and Word-Play: Essays in Translation Studies in Memory of David Hawkes, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 328 pages. |
Book 54, Volume 67 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2012), Cheng Siwei: Economic Reforms and Development in China, Volume 2, Hong Kong: Enrich Professional Publishing, 421 pages. |
Book 53, Volume 66 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2011) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: Celebrating its Silver Jubilee 《香港中文大學逸夫書院銀禧院慶特刊》, Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 56 pages. |
Book 52, Volume 65 Chan Sin-wai (2011)《漢英翻譯詞典--身體用語滙編》(A Chinese-English Dictionary of the Human Body), Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 1,308 pages. |
Book 51, Volume 64 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2010) The Teaching of Computer-aided Translation, Special Issue of the Journal of Translation Studies Volume13, Numbers 1-2, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 314 pages. |
Book 50, Volume 63 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2009) Famous Chinese Sayings Quoted by Wen Jiabao, Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company (H.K.) Limited, 340 pages. |
Book 49, Volume 62 Chan Sin-wai (2009) A Chronology of Translation in China and the West, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 864 pages. |
Book 48, Volume 61 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2008) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (2008-2009) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院二零零八—二零零九年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Xu Guanhua 徐冠華教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 47, Volume 60 Chan Sin-wai (2008) A Topical Bibliography of Computer (-aided) Translation, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1,544 pages. |
Book 46, Volume 59 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2007) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (2007) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院二零零五—二零零六年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Deborah S. Davis 戴慧思教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 45, Volume 58 Chan Sin-wai (rev. and tr.) (2007) Philosophy: An Art of Living (By Li Ruihuan 李瑞環), Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Ltd., Volume 2. |
Book 45, Volume 57 Chan Sin-wai (rev. and tr.) (2007) Philosophy: An Art of Living (By Li Ruihuan 李瑞環), Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Ltd., Volume 1. |
Book 44, Volume 56 Chan Sin-wai (rev.) (2007) Longman Concise Chinese-English Dictionary《簡明漢英詞典》, Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited, 679 pages. |
Book 43, Volume 55 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2005) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (2005-2006) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院二零零五—二零零六年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Charles K. Kao 高錕教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 42, Volume 54 Chan Sin-wai (rev.) (2005) Longman Handy Chinese-English Dictionary (Electronic Version with the name「朗文 Power Idict LD051」)《朗文簡明漢英詞典》, Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited. |
Book 41, Volume 53 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2004) Translation and Bilingual Dictionaries, Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 190 pages. |
Book 40, Volume 52 Chan Sin-wai (2004) A Dictionary of Translation Technology, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 660 pages. |
Book 39, Volume 51 Chan Sin-wai [rev.] (2003) 《朗文當代大辭典》(Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture), Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited, 2,265 pages. |
Book 38, Volume 50 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2003) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (2003-2004) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院二零零三—二零零四年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Zhong Nan-shan 鍾南山教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 37, Volume 49 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2002) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (2002-2003) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院二零零二—二零零三年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Chen Shupeng 陳述彭教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 36, Volume 48 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2002) Translation and Information Technology, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 215 pages. |
Book 35, Volume 47 Kwok Siu Tong and Chan Sin-wai (eds.) (2002) Culture and Humanity in the New Millennium: The Future of Human Values, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 220 pages. |
Book 34, Volume 46 Chan Sin-wai陳善偉 (ed.) (2002) 《英華薈萃》(A Treasury of the East and West), Hong Kong: Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 33, Volume 45 Chan Sin-wai (rev.) (2002) 《朗文袖珍英漢雙解活用詞典》(Longman Active Study English-Chinese Dictionary) (2nd edition), Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press 上海外語教育出版社, 1,369 pages. |
Book 32, Volume 44 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2001) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (2001-2002) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院二零零一—二零零二年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Andrew Chi-chih Yao 姚期智教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 31, Volume 43 Chan Sin-wai (rev.) (2001) Longman Active Study English-Chinese Dictionary 《朗文進階英漢雙解詞典》, Hong Kong: Pearson Education North Asia Limited, 1,397 pages. |
Book 30, Volume 42 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (2001) Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 282 pages. |
Book 29, Volume 41 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (2000) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (2000-2001) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院二零零零—二零零一年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Tommy Koh 許通美教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 28, Volume 40 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1999) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (1999/2000) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院一九九九—二零零零年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Ho Ping-ti 何炳棣教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 27, Volume 39 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1998) The Tenth Commemorative Lecture of Shaw College 《逸夫書院十周年院慶紀念講座》(Professor Yang Chen Ning 楊振寧教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 26, Volume 38 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1998) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (1998/99) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院一九九八—九九年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Yau Shing-tung 丘成桐教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 25, Volume 37 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1998) An Illustrated History of Printing in Ancient China《中國古代印刷史圖冊》, compiled by The Printing Museum of China 北京中國印刷博物館and edited by Luo Shubao羅樹寶, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press and Cultural Relic Press, 127 pages. |
Book 24, Volume 36 Chan Sin-wai, Lee Wood Hung, George C.K. Jor, and Philip Fung (eds.) (1998) Translation and Foreign Language Learning (Special Issue of The Humanities Bulletin, No. 5), Hong Kong: Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 126 pages. |
Book 23, Volume 35 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1997)《我的兒子馬友友》(My Son Yo-Yo), Taipei: The Vista Publishing Co., 178 pages. |
Book 23, Volume 34 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1997)《我的兒子馬友友》(My Son Yo-Yo), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 178 pages. |
Book 23, Volume 33 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1997)《我的兒子馬友友》(My Son Yo-Yo), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 178 pages. |
Book 22, Volume 32 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1996) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (1996/97) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院一九九六—九七年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Jamews W. Mayer 詹姆斯·邁耶教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 21, Volume 31 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1995) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (1995/96) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院一九九五—九六年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Akin Ladipo Mabogunje 艾金·拉迪波·馬博貢傑教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 20, Volume 30 Chan Sin-wai and David E. Pollard (eds.) (1995 / 2001) An Encyclopaedia of Translation: Chinese-English.English-Chinese, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1,180 pages. |
Book 19, Volume 29 Chan Sin-wai (ed.) (1995) A Topical Bibliography of Translation and Interpretation: Chinese-English. English-Chinese, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 872 pages. |
Book 18, Volume 28 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1994) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (1994/95) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院一九九四—九五年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Dr Eugene A. Nida 尤金·奈達博士), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 17, Volume 27 Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (ed.) (1993) 《人文學刊》(The Humanities Bulletin), Volume 2 (November), Special 30th Anniversary Issue, Hong Kong: Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 96 pages. |
Book 16, Volume 26 Chan Sin-wai (comp.) (1993) A Glossary of Translation Terms, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 232 pages. |
Book 15, Volume 25 Wang Erh-min 王爾敏 and Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (comps.) (1993)《清末議訂中外商約交涉:盛宣懷往來函電稿》﹝下冊﹞ (Commercial-treaty Negotiations in Late Qing China), Volume 2, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 799 pages. |
Book 15, Volume 24 Wang Erh-min 王爾敏 and Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (comps.) (1993)《清末議訂中外商約交涉:盛宣懷往來函電稿》﹝上冊﹞ (Commercial-treaty Negotiations in Late Qing China), Volume 1, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 799 pages. |
Book 14, Volume 23 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1993) Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (1993/94) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院一九九三—九四年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Fei Xiaotong 費孝通教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 13, Volume 22 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) and Wang Erh-min (eds.) (1992), Selected Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China《近代名人手札精選》, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 192 pages. |
Book 12, Volume 21 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1992) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (1992/93) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院一九九二—九三年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Richard Rorty 理查·羅蒂教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 11, Volume 20 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan -Sin-wai (tr.) (1991) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar (1991/92) 《香港中文大學逸夫書院一九九一—九二年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Shinichi Ichimura 市村真一教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 10, Volume 19 Chan Sin-wai, Roger Ames, and Ng Mau-sang (eds.) (1991) Interpreting Culture through Translation: A Festschrift for D.C. Lau, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 290 pages. |
Book 9, Volume 18 Chan Sin-wai (1990) 《唐才常年譜長編》(A Chronological Biography of Tang Caichang), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, Volume 2, pages 446-676. |
Book 9, Volume 17 Chan Sin-wai (1990) 《唐才常年譜長編》(A Chronological Biography of Tang Caichang), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2 Volumes, 716 pages (Volume 1, pages 1-445). |
Book 8, Volume 16 Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1989) Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar 1989 《香港中文大學逸夫書院一九八九年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人》(Professor Yuan-Tseh Lee 李遠哲教授), Hong Kong: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Book 7, Volume 15 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1989) Paintings and Calligraphy of Jao Tsung-i《饒宗頤書畫集》, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 92 pages. |
Book 6, Volume 14 Chan Sin-wai (tr.) (1989) Stories by Gao Yang: "Rekindled Love" and "Purple Jade Hairpin" 《高陽小說選譯》, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 225 pages. |
Book 5, Volume 13 Wang Erh-min 王爾敏 and Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (eds.) (1988) 《近代名人手札真蹟》(Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, Volume 9, pages 3809-4288. |
Book 5, Volume 12 Wang Erh-min 王爾敏 and Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (eds.) (1988) 《近代名人手札真蹟》(Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, Volume 8, pages 3333-3808. |
Book 5, Volume 11 Wang Erh-min 王爾敏 and Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (eds.) (1988) 《近代名人手札真蹟》(Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, Volume 7, 2897-3332. |
Book 5, Volume 10 Wang Erh-min 王爾敏 and Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (eds.) (1988) 《近代名人手札真蹟》(Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, Volume 6, page 2425-2896. |
Book 5, Volume 9 Wang Erh-min 王爾敏 and Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (eds.) (1988) 《近代名人手札真蹟》(Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, Volume 5, page 1927-2424. |
Book 5, Volume 8 Wang Erh-min 王爾敏 and Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (eds.) (1988) 《近代名人手札真蹟》(Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, Volume 4, pages 1423-1926. |
Book 5, Volume 7 Wang Erh-min 王爾敏 and Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (eds.) (1988) 《近代名人手札真蹟》(Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, Volume 3, page 933-1422. |
Book 5, Volume 6 Wang Erh-min 王爾敏 and Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (eds.) (1988) 《近代名人手札真蹟》(Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, Volume 2, pages 443-932. |
Book 5, Volume 5 Wang Erh-min 王爾敏 and Chan Sin-wai 陳善偉 (eds.) (1988) 《近代名人手札真蹟》(Letters of Prominent Figures in Modern China), Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, Volume 1, page 1-442. |
Book 4, Volume 4 Chan Sin-wai (1985) Buddhism in Late Ch'ing Political Thought, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, co-published by Colorado: Westview Press, 192 pages. |
Book 3, Volume 3 Chan Sin-wai, Ng Mau-sang, and Li Pu-wen (trs.) (1984) Palaces of the Forbidden City《紫禁城宮殿》, London: Allan Lane/Viking Press, 332 pages. |
Book 2, Volume 2 Chan Sin-wai (1984) An Exposition of Benevolence: The Jen-Hsueh of T'an Ssu-t'ung, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 374 pages. |
Book 1, Volume 1 Chan Sin-wai (comp.) (1980) T'an Ssu-t'ung: An Annotated Bibliography, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 117 pages. |
47. Chan Sin-wai (2020) "Aspects of Traditional Chinese Culture", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Culture, London and New York: Routledge, 1-9.
46. Chan Sin-wai and Xu Yangsheng (2020) "Chinese Calligraphy", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Culture, London and New York: Routledge, 116-131.
45. Chan Sin-wai (2020) "Cantonese Culture", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Culture, London and New York: Routledge, 132-168.
44. Chan Sin-wai (2020) "Chinese Culture in Popular Sayings and Famous Quotes", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Culture, London and New York: Routledge, 186-209.
43. Chan Sin-wai (2019) "Introduction", in Chan Sin-wai, A New Comprehensive Cantonese-Putonghua-English Dictionary, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, xvii – li.
42. Chan, Sin-wai (2018) "Caught in the Web of Translation: Reflections on the Compilation of Three Translation Encyclopedias", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) The Human Factor in Machine Translation, London and New York: Routledge, 51-63.
41. Chan, Sin-wai (2018) "Introduction", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) The Human Factor in Machine Translation, London and New York: Routledge, 1-6.
40. Chan, Sin-wai (2018) "Translating Chinese Famous Quotes into English", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) An Encyclopdia of Practical Translation and Interpreting, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 201-69.
39. Chan, Sin-wai (2018) "Introduction", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) An Encyclopdia of Practical Translation and Interpreting, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, ix-xx.
38. Chan, Sin-wai (2016) "The Chinese Language: The Global, Historical, and Linguistic Aspects", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) The Routledge Encyclopedia of the Chinese Language, London and New York: Routledge, xxix-xxxvii.
37. Chan, Sin-wai, Ian Castor Chow, and Wong Tak Ming (2015) "Translation Technology in Hong Kong" in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology, London and New York: Routledge, 292-314.
36. Chan Sin-wai (2015) "Computer-aided Translation: Major Concepts", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology, London and New York: Routledge, 32-67.
35. Chan Sin-wai (2015) "The Development of Translation Technology: 1967-2013", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology, London and New York: Routledge, 3-31.
34. Chan Sin-wai (2015) "Preface", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology, London and New York: Routledge, xxvii-xxxiv.
33. Chan, Sin-wai (2014) "Translation Technology on the Fast Track: Computer-aided Translation in the Last Five Decades", in Laurence K.P. Wong, John C.Y. Wang, and Chan Sin-wai (eds.) Two Voices in One: Essays in Asian and Translation Studies, Newcastle Upon Tyne:
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 105-150.
32. Chan Sin-wai (2013) "A Framework for Computer-aided Translation Studies", in Laurence K.P. Wong and Chan Sin-wai (eds.) The Dancer and the Dance: Essays in Translation Studies, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 57-74.
31. Chan Sin-wai (2013) "Translation Technology: Past, Present and Future", in Liao Hsien-hao, Kao Tien-en, and Lin Yaofu (eds.) The Making of a Translator: Multiple Perspectives, Taipei: The Language Training and Testing Center, 229-258.
30. Chan Sin-wai (2013) "Approaching Localization", in Carmen Millan and Francesca Bartrina (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies, London and New York: Routledge, 347-362.
29. Chan Sin-wai (2012) "Search and Re-search: Translating Famous Chinese Sayings Quoted by Wen Jiabao into English", in Tao Tao Liu, Laurence K.P. Wong, and Chan Sin-wai (eds.) Style, Wit and Word-play: Essays in Translation Studies in Memory of David Hawkes,
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 187-283.
28. Chan Sin-wai (2012) "A New Curriculum for the Teaching of Translation Technology: The Teaching of a Translation Project Course as a Case Study", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) The Teaching of Computer-aided Translation, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 83-154.
27. Chan Sin-wai (2009) "Taking a Technological Turn: Reflections on the Making of A Dictionary of Translation Technology" in He Yuanjian and Luo Xuanmin (eds.) Translating China, Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 189-204.
26. Chan Sin-wai (2007) "Taking a Technological Turn: The Making of A Dictionary of Translation Technology", Journal of Translation Studies 10(1): 113-130.
25. Chan Sin-wai (2005) "Lexicography in Hong Kong: 1841 – 2004", The Hong Kong Linguist 25: 8-20.
24. Chan Sin-wai (2004) "Dictionaries and Translators", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) Translation and Bilingual Dictionaries, Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1-3.
23. Chan Sin-wai, Qian Duoxiu, and E. E-P. Almberg (2003) "Differences in the Production and Reception of Translated Texts-A Case Study", International Journal of Translation 15(2): 61-75.
22. Chan Sin-wai (2001) "Compiling a Chinese-English Dictionary for Translators", Journal of Translation Studies 5: 19-37.
21. Chan Sin-wai (2001) "Introduction", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, ix-xv.
20. Chan Sin-wai (2001) "Machine Translation in Hong Kong", in Chan Sin-wai (ed.) Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 207-215.
19. Chan Sin-wai (2000) "Standards and Methods in Poetry Translation", Journal of Translation Studies 4: 1-18.
18. Chan Sin-wai (2000) 〈怎樣教翻譯理論〉(How to Teach Translation Theory), in Liu Ching-chi劉靖之, Lin Maosun林戉蓀, and Serena Jin金聖華 (eds.) 《翻譯教學研討會論文集》(Proceedings of the Conference on Translation Teaching), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Translation Society, 357-389.
17. Chan Sin-wai (1999)〈翻譯與政治:唐才常的西學知識與政治思想〉(Politics and Translation: Tang Caichang's Knowledge of the Western Learning and Its Relationship to His Political Thought),《中國文化研究所學報》(Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 8: 236-248.
16. Chan Sin-wai (1998) "Lin Run", in Lily X.H. Lee and A.D. Stefanowska, (eds.) Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: The Qing Period, 1644-1911, Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 116-118.
15. Chan Sin-wai (1998)〈翻譯《我的兒子馬友友》經驗談〉in Jin Sheng-hwa 金聖華 (ed.) 《外文中譯研究與探討》(Studies in Translating into Chinese), Hong Kong: Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 377-419.
14. Chan Sin-wai (1998) "In Defense of Literalism: My Experience in Translating Stories by Gao Yang", The Humanities Bulletin 5: 66-73.
13. Chan Sin-wai and David E. Pollard (1995) "Preface", in Chan Sin-wai and David E. Pollard (eds.) An Encyclopaedia of Translation: Chinese-English. English-Chinese. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, xi-xiii.
12. Chan Sin-wai (1994) "Form and Spirit in Poetry Translation",《人文學刊》(The Humanities Bulletin) 3: 100-111.
11. Chan Sin-wai (1992) "T'an Ssu-t'ung", in Edwin Pak-wah Leung (ed.) Historical Dictionary of Revolutionary China, 1839-1976, New York: Greenwood Press, 400-402.
10. Chan Sin-wai (1991) "Problems in Philosophical Translation: Translating the Major Concepts in An Exposition of Benevolence", in Roger T. Ames, Chan Sin-wai, and Ng Mau-sang (eds.) Interpreting Culture Through Translation, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 79-85.
9. Chan Sin-wai (1991)〈翻譯理論探索〉(A Survey of Translation Theories), in Liu Ching-chih 劉靖之 (ed.)《翻譯工作者手冊》(A Translator's Handbook), Hong Kong: The Commercial Press 商務印書館, 117-145.
8. Chan Sin-wai (1989)〈淺談近代史專有名詞的翻譯〉(On the Translation of Proper Names in Modern Chinese History),《中國語文通訊》(Chinese Language Bulletin) 2: 36-38.
7. Chan Sin-wai (1989)〈晚清佛學與政治思想〉(Buddhism and Political Thought in the Late Qing Period),《香港中國近代史學會會刊》(Journal of the Society of Modern Chinese History), 3: 43-48.
6. Chan Sin-wai (1989)〈唐才常與譚嗣同的交誼與事功〉(T'ang Ts'ai-ch'ang and T'an Ssu-t'ung: Their Friendship and Achievements),《中國文化研究所學報》(Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 19: 391-405.
5. Chan Sin-wai (1984)〈八十年來的譚嗣同研究〉(The Study of T'an Ssu-t'ung in the Last Eighty Years),《中國文化研究所學報》(Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 15: 139-152.
4. Chan Sin-wai (1981) 〈《唐才常集》﹝書評﹞〉(Review of the Collected Works of T'ang Ts'ai-ch'ang).《中國文化研究所學報》(Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 12(1): 357-360.
3. Chan Sin-wai (1980) "Buddhism and the Major Concepts in An Exposition of Benevolence",《新亞學術集刊》(Academic Journal of the New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 2: 179-202.
2. Chan Sin-wai (1979)〈龔自珍的佛教思想〉(The Buddhist Thought of Kung Tzu-chen),《中國文化研究所學報》(Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 1(2): 347-362.
1. Chan Sin-wai (1979) "Shirleen S. Wong: Kung Tzu-chen",《中國文化研究所學報》(Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 5(1): 446.
【2019, Shenzhen】Presented a key-note speech on "Revisiting the Future of Translation Technology" at the "2019 International Conference on Translation Education: Computer-aided Translation Training (CATT): Of Machine and Man", organized by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, at the campus of the University on 24-25 August 2019.
【2012, Hong Kong】Presented a paper on "A World without Babel: The Future of Translation Technology" at the 10th Anniversary Conference of MACAT: "New Trends in Translation Technology," organized by the Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 4-5 May 2012.
【2011, Hong Kong】Presented a paper on "Translating Body Terms: Reflections on the Making of A Chinese-English Dictionary of the Human Body" at the International Conference on "Translation and Asian Studies," jointly organized by the Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Stanford University, held at The Chinese University on 28 April 2011.
【2010, Hong Kong】Presented a paper on "Search and Re-search: Reflections on Translating Famous Chinese Sayings Quoted by Wen Jiabao into English" at the International Conference on "Cultural Interactions: Chinese Literature in English Translation," organized by the Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Institute for Chinese Studies, and China Centre, University of Oxford, held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 15-16 April 2010.
【2009, Hong Kong】Presented a paper on "Teaching Facilities for CUHK MACAT Students" at the International Conference on "The Teaching of Computer-aided Translation" organized by the Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 29 August 2009.
【2008, Hong Kong】Presented a paper on "A Framework of Computer-aided Translation Studies" at the International Conference on Translation Studies and Translation between English and Chinese," jointly organized by the Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Centre of Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Warwick, held on 11-12 December 2008 at Esther Lee Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
【2008, Shanghai】Presented a paper on "Draft Examination Scheme for Translation Technology Proficiency Certification" at the FIT 2008 World Congress Shanghai on 6 August 2008.
【2007, Shanghai】Invited to give a key-note speech on "Computer-aided Translation of Public Signs" at the Second Symposium on Chinese and English Signs in a Global Context, held at Tongji University, Shanghai, China, on 14-15 July.
【2006, Hong Kong】Presented a paper on "Translation in a Global Context" at the international symposium on "New Horizons in Theoretical Translation Studies: Literary, Cultural, Functional, Corpus-based and Cognitive Perspectives" organized by the Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong at Cho Yiu Hall on 19-20 January 2006.
【2005, Guangzhou】 Presented a paper on "The Publication of Dictionaries in Hong Kong: 1841-2004" (〈香港的辭書出版概況: 1841-2004〉) at the Sixth General Annual Meeting and Academic Conference of the Bilingual Dictionary Professional Committee of the Association of Lexicography in China 中國辭書學會雙語辭典專業委員會第六屆年會暨學術研討會 held at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on 27 November 2005.
【2004, Taipei】 Invited to give a key-note paper on "Translating for the Future: Reflections on Making A Dictionary of Translation Technology" at the First Conference and Workshop on Computer-aided Language Learning of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, organized by the Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation of National Taiwan Normal University and held at the Institute on 2 October 2004.
【2004, Hong Kong】Presented a Key-note paper on "The Making of A Dictionary of Translation Technology: Some Considerations and Reflections" in the Second Tsinghua-Lingnan Translation Symposium held at Lingnan University, Hong Kong, on 5-6 June 2004.
【2002, Macau】Invited to give a paper on "Machine Translation and Machine-aided Translation in the New Century" at the〈英語教學、翻譯與21世紀國際研討會〉conference organized by Macao Polytechnic Institute on 10-12 May 2002.
【2000, Hong Kong】Presented a paper entitled "The Making of TransRecipe: A Translational Approach to the Machine Translation of Chinese Cookbooks" at the International Conference on "Translation and Information Technology" held on 8 December 2000 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
【2000, Alberta】Presented a paper entitled "Compiling a Chinese-English Dictionary for Translators" at the Annual Congress of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies held on 25-31 May 2000 at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada.
【1999, Hong Kong】Presented a paper on "Machine Translation in Hong Kong" at the Conference on "Translation in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future" organized by the Department of Translation and held on 18-19 March 1999 at the campus of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
【1997, Hong Kong】Presented a paper on 〈怎樣教翻譯理論〉 (How to Teach Translation Theory) at the Conference on Translation Teaching (〈翻譯教學研討會〉), held on 2-4 December 1997 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
【1992, Taipei】Presented a paper entitled "In Defence of Literalism—My Experience in Translating Stories by Gao Yang" at "The Second International Conference on the Translation of Chinese Literature."〈第二屆中國文學翻譯國際研討會〉, held in December 1992 in Taipei, Taiwan.
【1992, Zhuhai】Presented a paper entitled 〈中國現代翻譯理論探索〉(An Exploration into Contemporary Chinese Translation Theory) at the "Symposium on the Translation of Foreign Literature across the Taiwan Straits"〈海峽兩岸外國文學翻譯研討會〉held on 13-16 October in Zhuhai, China.
【1991, Hong Kong】Presented a paper entitled〈香港翻譯劇的回顧: 1980-1990〉(A Survey of Translated Plays in Hong Kong: 1980-1990) at the "Conference on Hong Kong Drama"〈香港話劇研討會〉held on 24-26 January 1991 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong .
【1988, Hong Kong】 Presented a paper entitled 〈唐才常與譚嗣同的交誼與事功〉(T'ang Ts'ai-ch'ang and T'an Ssu-t'ung: Their Friendship and Achievements) at the "Seminar on Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao and the Reform Movement of 1898" 〈康有為、梁啟超與戉戌維新運動學術研討會〉, held on 28-29 October 1988 at the campus of the University of Hong Kong.
【1983, Hong Kong】 Presented a paper entitled〈佛學與晚清政治思想〉(Buddhism in Late Ch'ing Political Thought) at the "Seminar on Modern Chinese Intellectual Thought" 〈中國近代思想研討會〉held on 31 August 1983 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong .
President, Association for Translation Technology
Specialist, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications
External Assessor, M.A. in Bilingual Professional Translation, Open University of Hong Kong
Honorary Advisor, Lingnan Institute of Further Education (LIFE)