Name NG Hoi Nga Anna 
Present Post Dean of Students cum Associate Professor
Ip Ying To Lee Yu Yee School of Humanities and Languages
Saint Francis University
Office Address Room 919
Telephone (852) 3702 4350


Dr NG Hoi Nga Anna is Dean of Students cum Associate Professor of Ip Ying To Lee Yu Yee School of Humanities and Languages of Saint Francis University.  She is a registered social worker, certified sex therapist, a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, certified Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit practitioner, Personality Dimension Trainer, and a Senior Counseling and Training consultant of Caritas Human Empowerment and Achievement Training.  She is the Founder and Coordinator of Research Unit on Love, Marriage and Family.  Dr Ng has also been teaching psychology-related or counselling-related courses for social workers and nurses when she joined Saint Francis University in 2010.  Since 2013, she has been enthusiastic in promoting Body-Mind-Spirit holistic care intervention workshops in enhancing personal growth of youngsters, which has yielded excellent results.  She devotes her energy to teaching General Education courses for students of all Degree programs starting from 2015.  Besides teaching, she has been providing sexuality consultation for local and overseas clinical cases.  She helps her clients in overcoming difficulties encountered in their sexual life.  Besides, she is also a magazine and newspaper columnist who has been interviewed by radio and TV programmes in promoting healthy sex education.  She has been a guest speaker for various public sexuality education seminars.  She has been the Chairperson of the Hong Kong Association of Sexuality Educators, Researchers and Therapists since 2017.  Her research interest includes outcome evaluation of holistic care intervention workshops for youngsters, marital counselling, diversity in learning ability, sexual health and sexuality education, female sexuality, child sexual abuse, and psychological health of primary and secondary school students. Findings of her research have been presented at international conferences. Related research articles have also been published in national and international academic journals.


Dr Ng believes affective educational approach is important for the holistic development of our students. ASK (Attitude, Skill and Knowledge) approach is adopted throughout her teaching process. Affective educational component of the approach is highlighted.  Students' positive attitude towards life is her ultimate concern.  Students not only are guided to learn theories and knowledge but also encouraged to reflect on the application of theories and knowledge to their professions and their personal life. As a lecturer with academic and professional knowledge, she teaches students the knowledge and shares with students her observations in clinical practice, engages dialogue with students, and exchange insights about life with them.

Dr Ng taught both Degree and Sub-Degree courses including: 'Introduction to Counselling and Micro-skills', 'Human Behavior and Social Environment', 'Self-Development Workshop; and Higher Diploma course including 'Introduction to Psychology', 'Working with Medical Organization', "Human Behavior and Social Environment', and 'Self-Understanding Laboratory' for social work students, and 'Applied Psychology' for nursing students om 2010-2015.  She joined Ip Ying To Lee Yu Yee School of Humanities and Languages in 2015-16 academic year teaching General Education courses 'Human Sexuality and Theology of Body' and 'Individual and Society' for students from different disciplines.


Dr Anna Ng is the Head of Research Unit on Love, Marriage and Family, Ip Ying To Lee Yu Yee School of Humanities and Languages.  Her Research grants are listed as follows:

Funding Scheme Period/ Poject Title Grant awarded HKD
Institutional Strategic Grant (ISG)
ISG 220104
Promotion of Holistic Health of Students in Higher Education: Efficacy of BMS Intervention and Associated Factors of Holistic Health
Dr. Auyeung Po Cheung Funding Scheme 2022 2022-2024
Promotion of students' holistic health through body-mind-spirit intervention and other enhancement modalities
Institutional Theme-based Grant (CIHE)
Associated Factors of Supports for Students with Special Educational
Needs in Hong Kong: A Multi-Faceted Approach
$1,000, 000
Sai Kung District Office and Home Affairs Office 2022-23
Survey on the Happiness Index of Sai Kung District Primary and Secondary Schools
Attitudes towards School-Based Sexuality Education among Secondary School Students and Teachers: An exploration of its Associated Factors
Exploring the Sexual Self-concept of Female Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Social Welfare Department 2017
Evaluation of the Marital Enhancement Services on Marital Satisfaction
Social Welfare Department 2017
Exploring the Changes of Marital Relationship through Marital Counseling
Institute Internal Grant (CIHE) 2015 2015-2016
Structural and Psychological Empowerment among Social Workers
Total $5,360,725


Peer reviewed academic journal and book chapter
