Dr Marcruz ONG Yew Lee

ONG Yew Lee, Marcruz |
Assistant Professor Ip Ying To Lee Yu Yee School of Humanities and Languages Saint Francis University |
Room A613 |
(852) 3702 4326 |
mong@sfu.edu.hk |
Dr ONG holds a Master's Degree in Education (MEd) and PhD degree in Education from Hokkaido University. His research interest focuses in young children's mathematical development, especially how young children's mathematical experiences in kindergarten influence their arithmetical competencies and solving behaviors. Dr ONG has published several papers on this topic over the years.
Prior to joining Saint Francis University (SFU), Dr ONG worked as an assistant lecturer and research assistant at Hokkaido University for years. Besides that, he had been actively involved in Japan's early childhood (EC) sector as an EC researcher and educator/advisor. Dr ONG often serves as a bridge between EC educators in Japan and those of other countries & regions, including Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, China, Thailand, UK and Finland by organizing research exchange workshops and kindergarten visits.
PhD in Education, Hokkaido University, Japan
MEd, Hokkaido University, Japan
BSc, Economics and Psychology, Singapore Management University
Membership of Academic and Professional Bodies
- International Journal of Techno-Humanities (SFU), Executive Committee Member
- Journal of Childhood, Education & Society (JCES), Editorial Board Member
- The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Journal of Education - Studies in Education, Review Board Member
- Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, Review Board Member
- International Journal of Child, Youth & Family Studies, Review Board Member
- Social Environment for Children with Diverse Needs
- Early Childhood Mathematics
- Current Issues and Policies in Early Childhood Education
- Children, Families and Communities in a Diverse Society
- Research Methodology
- Facilitating Transitions in Young Children
- Supporting Children with Diverse Needs
- Early childhood curriculum and pedagogy
- Early childhood mathematics
- Socio-cultural studies
- Children play
Research Projects
- CIHE's IDG research grant's Application (IDG220106: Approved) (Project period: 01/01/2023 - 30/06/2024). Title: A Pilot Study: Exploring the effectiveness of Virtual Reality (VR) as a teaching and learning tool on preschool student teachers' (PSTs) learning of play-based classroom design.
Co-I (Co- Investigator)
- National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, ROC. (111-2410-H-415-002-)
Title: 學齡前幼兒加減法可逆概念與類比推理能力的發展:印尼、日本與臺灣跨國研究 (Preschoolers' understanding of inversion and analogical reasoning:A cross-cultural study in Indonesia, Japan, and Taiwan) (Approved)
Co-PI (Co-Principal Investigator)
- National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, ROC. (NSTC 111-2410-H-415-011-) Title: Preschoolers' comprehension and development of analogical reasoning: A cross-cultural study in Indonesia, Japan, and Taiwan (Approved) Co-I (Co- Investigator)
Ong, M. Y. L. (2024). Japanese young children's base-10 understanding and its development in kindergartens. Japanese Research Association of Psychological Science. Japan.
Ong, M. Y. L. (2024). Japanese kindergarten teachers' beliefs about young children's mathematical development. Taiwan Education Research Association (TERA) – GACC. Kaoshiung, Taiwan (ROC).
- Ong, M. Y. L., & Kawata, M. (2023). Teacher support for children's base-10 understanding in Japanese kindergartens. International Journal of Early Years Education, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669760.2023.2259443
- Lei, H., Choi, V. W. C., & Ong, M. Y. L. (2023). Student-Teachers' Practicum Experiences in Hong Kong and Macao during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Communication and Education, 6(1), 67-88.
- Ong, M. Y. L., Ho, K. L. C., Kawata, M., Takahashi, M., & Mizuno., K. (2022). Understanding of base-10 concept and its application: A cross-cultural comparison between Japan and Singapore. International Journal of Early Years Education, 30(4), 766 – 780. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669760.2020.1848525
- Ong, M. Y. L. (2019). How do teachers provide mathematical support for young children in Japanese kindergartens? Exploring the 4Is mathematical support. Human Developmental Research, 33, 85-99. (In Japanese)
- Ong, M. Y. L. (2018). How do young children develop numerical cognition in Japanese kindergartens? The relation between Japanese kindergarten activities and teacher support. Human Developmental Research, 32, 185-188. (In Japanese)
- Kawata, M., & Ong, M. Y. L. (2017). Hattatsushinrigaku・sainyuumon: Bure-kurusu wo unda juyō no kenkyuu [Developmental Psychology: Revisiting the Classic studies]. In Kato Hiromichi., Kawata Manabu., & Ito Takashi. (Eds.), Gakeppuchi no youji: shikakutekidankai wo koete [Infants on the edge] (pp. 43-66). SAGE and Shinyosha.
- Ong, M. Y. L. (2016). Young children and mathematics: A relook at mathematical development from sociocultural perspectives. Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University, 126, 43-74.
- Ong, M. Y. L., & Kawata, M. (2016). Examining the effect of playing an arithmetic-based game – "Chopsticks" on the arithmetical competencies of 5-year-old children in Singapore. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 15(6), 102-113. (Scopus)
- Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Takahashi, M. (2016). The relation between frequently exposed context in the early childhood settings' mathematical activities and arithmetic skills: A cross-cultural comparison of 6-year-old children in Singapore and Japan. International Journal of Education and Research, 4(5), 259-272.
Conference Presentations
Ong, M. Y. L. (2024). Japanese kindergarten teachers' beliefs about young children's base-10 understanding. Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) – Annual Conference Tokyo 2024.
Ong, M. Y. L. (2023). The relationship between arithmetic errors related to base-10 and arithmetical development among 5-year-old Japanese kindergarteners. Taiwan Education Research Association (TERA) – GACC (International Conference). Kaoshiung, Taiwan (ROC).
Lai, M. L., Kumagai, S., Yu, M. R., Ong, M. Y. L., & Chen, M. F. (2023). Preschoolers' understanding of addition-subtraction inverse principle: A cross-cultural study in Taiwan and Japan. Taiwan Education Research Association (TERA) – GACC (International Conference). Kaoshiung, Taiwan (ROC).
Lei, H., Choi, V. W. C., & Ong, M. Y. L. (2023). Student-Teachers' Practicum Experiences in Hong Kong and Macao during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Conference on Engaged Learning & Innovative Teaching in Higher Education (International Conference). Hong Kong, SAR
- Ong, M. Y. L., & Kawata, M. (2018). Promoting preschool children's understanding of base ten system through skipping games. European Early Childhood Education Research Association. The 28th Annual Meeting. Budapest, Hungary.
- Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Takahashi, M. (2017). Counting moves in Japanese kindergarten(s). European Early Childhood Education Research Association. The 27th Annual Meeting. Bologna, Italy.
- Lai, M. L., Baroody, A., Lee, C. C., & Ong, M. Y. L. (2017). Fostering preschoolers' acquisition of the cardinal word principle. Society for Research in Child Development. 2017 Biennial Meeting. Austin, Texas.
- Kato, H., Ota, M., & Ong, M. Y. L. (2016). Examining the proportion of mediator and bystander in school bullying among Japanese children across grade levels. The 31st International Congress of Psychology. Yokohama, Japan.
- Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Takahashi, M. (2016). Influence of context in kindergartens' activities on the arithmetical competencies: A cross-cultural comparison of preschoolers in Japan and Singapore. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development. 24th Biennial Meeting. Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Takahashi, M. (2015). The effect of Socio-cultural medium on arithmetic performances & problem solving behaviors: A cross-cultural comparison of Japanese and Singaporean Preschoolers. The Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association. 16th Annual conference. Sydney, Australia.
- Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Takahashi, M. (2014). The implication of socio-cultural medium on arithmetical development: A cross-cultural comparison of Japanese and Singaporean preschoolers. The Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association. 15th Annual conference. Bali, Indonesia.
- Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Takahashi, M. (2014). The effect of problem modalities on arithmetic performances: A cross-cultural comparison of Japanese and Singaporean Preschoolers. The 26th Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology. Tokyo University, Japan. (Presented in Japanese)