Dr Tang Lok Yee

TANG Lok Yee |
Lecturer General Education Course Coordinator Department of General Education and Language Studies Caritas Bianchi College of Careers |
Room A616 |
(852) 3702 4552 |
lytang@sfu.edu.hk |
Dr. Tang received her BA, MPhil and PhD in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her chief interest in research includes contemporary Hong Kong and Taiwan Literature, as well as the cross-media interactions between literature and other forms of representation. Her PhD research project, titled "Ways of Seeing the Reality: A Study of the Interaction between Photography and Contemporary Hong Kong and Taiwan Literature," examined the works of three distinguished writers, Yesi 也斯, Wu Ming-yi 吳明益 and Liu Wai-tong 廖偉棠 with a transmedia perspective. Her research aimed to explore how the writers appropriated technologized visuality to renovate the forms of expression and reception and thus undo the power structure of scopic regimes.
PhD in Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK
MPhil in Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK
Postgraduate Diploma in Education, CUHK
BA (first-class honour) in Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK
Research Areas
- Hong Kong Literature
- Taiwan Literature
- Cross-media Interactions
(1) Refereed Journal Papers
- 〈語言與權力夾縫的逃逸路線:論黃碧雲《沉默。暗啞。微小。》與「少數文學」〉[The "Line of Flight" between Language and Power: A Study of Minor Literature and Wong Bik Wan's Silence. Dullness. Slightness. (Chenmo. Anya. Weixiao.)],《中外文學》Chung Wai Literary Quarterly 47.4 (2018.12): 117-167.
(2) Other Publications
- 〈深水埗有個「半杯寮」:香港防疫進行中,如何自己生活自己救〉(作家專訪)[Interview "Halfcup Squat in Sham Shui Po: How to Live Your Life in the 2 years of epidemic in Hong Kong"] , 端 傳 媒 Initium Media, https://theinitium.com/article/20220223-culture-half-cup-experiment-hk-community/, 2022/2/24.
- 〈同作家潘國靈的鰂魚涌漫步:可能跳完嗎?香港這場(不)離別舞〉(作家專訪)[Interview "Wandering with Lawrence Pun in Quarry Bay: Dance till the End of Time? The (Not-)Leaving Dance For Hong Kong"], 端傳媒Initium Media,https://theinitium.com/article/20211016-culture-poon-kwok-ling-in-hk-island/, 021/10/16.
- 〈浮城寓言——論韓麗珠、謝曉紅《雙城辭典》的「寓言」書寫〉[The Allegory of the Floating City: On the Writing of "Allegory" in Han Li-zhu and Dorothy Tse Hiu-Hung's Dictionary of Two Cities (Shuangcheng Cidian)],《香港文學展顏.第二十二輯:二零一六年中文文學創作獎獲獎作品集》[Collected works in Awards for Creative Writing in Chinese 2016], revised edition (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Public Libraries, 2019), pp.107-126.
- 〈飛沙〉(小說)[Fiction "Sand"], 《字花》Fleurs Des Lettres 72 (2018.4): 56-63.
- 〈縫〉(小說)[Fiction "Sew"], 《字花》Fleurs Des Lettres 60 (2016.2): 57-58.
- 〈旁觀自身之痛苦——讀黃碧雲《微喜重行》〉[Regarding the Pain of Self:Reading Wong Bik Wan's The Re-walking of Mei Hei (Weixi Chongxing)], 《字花》Fleurs Des Lettres 57 (2015.10): 126-130.
- 〈家用冒險指南〉(小說)[Fiction "Guidelines for Home Adventure"], 《字花》Fleurs Des Lettres 49 (2014.6): 82-83.