Mr Jeff LAU Hok Yin

LAU Hok Yin, Jeff |
Lecturer Ip Ying To Lee Yu Yee School of Humanities and Languages |
Room A612 |
(852) 3702 4551 | |
Mr LAU possesses two Master's degrees of Arts, one in linguistics from the University of Hong Kong with distinction and the other one in philosophy from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Dean's List designation. Currently, LAU is working on his PhD on discourse analysis of lyrics at the University of Reading (U.K.), while serving as a lecturer at Caritas Institute of Higher Education, teaching institute-wide English courses.
MA (HKU) Distinction 2020
MA (CUHK) Dean's List Designation 2022
Currently studying PhD (The University of Reading, U.K.) from 2022
- Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics
- Academic Writing and Effective Communication
- Academic Reading & Writing I
- Academic Reading & Writing II
- Business Communication I
- English Usage
- English Communication Skills for Social Sciences
- English Communication for Social Sciences I
- English Communication II (Nursing)
- Fundamentals of Linguistics
Use of English
Research Areas
- Comparative philosophy
- Discourse analysis of lyrics
- Heideggerian philosophy in contexts of technology, education, films, music, etc.
- Gadamerian hermeneutics
- Second-wave feminism
Journal Articles
- Lau, H. Y. (2024). Feminist audio-visual content analysis of the dancing scenes of Barbie 2023. Recontextualization as the 1960s as the background, and self-directed individualism. Journal of Advanced Research in Women's Studies, 2(2), 17-39.
- Lau, H. Y. (2023). Women's dilemmatic constraints in emerging second-wave feminism: Heideggerian ambivalence and oscillation between authenticity and inauthenticity. Journal of Advanced Research in Women's Studies, 1(2), 19-31. ISSN: 2783-7122
Book Chapters
- Lau, H. Y. J. (2024). Existential Relationship Between Teacher-Centred Learning and Student-Centred Learning Inauthentic Solicitude as a Necessary Condition of Authentic Solicitude. In: Ma, W.W.K. (eds) Engaged Learning and Innovative Teaching in Higher Education. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore.
- Lau, H. Y. J. (2024). Technology-Aided Learning at the Intersection of Presence-At-Hand and Readiness-To-Hand and the Fusion of Horizons Among Students, Technology and Teachers. In: Ma, W.W.K. (eds) Engaged Learning and Innovative Teaching in Higher Education. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore.
- Lau, H. Y. (2023). Problems of exacerbation to Dasein in the modern technological world by use of the early Heidegger's theories: Readiness-to-hand & presence-at-hand. In K. K. W. Mak (Ed.), Advances in Techno-Humanities: Case Studies from Culture, Philosophy and the Arts. Routledge. ISBN: 9781003376491.
- Lau, H. Y. (2023). Co-presence of readiness-to-hand & presence-at-hand as the shape of things by revisiting technology-aided learning from the Heideggerian perspective. In C. Hong & W. W. K. Ma (Eds.), Applied Degree Education: The Shape of Things to Come (93-106). Springer. ISBN: 9789811993145, 9811993149.
- Lau, H. Y. (2022). Heideggerian authenticity of Being-towards-death: A possible road to morality and intersubjectivity to settle death in a Confucian way. In Cheung, C. F. (Chan-Fai). (Ed.), 死亡與年老哲學論文集 (Essay Collection on Philosophy of Dying and Ageing) (pp. 119-156). Noctua Publication.
Conference Papers
- Lau, H. Y. (2024). Feminist audio-visual content analysis of the dancing scenes of Barbie 2023. Recontextualization as the 1960s as the background, and self-directed individualism. The 7th International Conference on Advanced Research in Social Sciences (ICARSS). The U.K.: Cambridge
- Lau, H. Y. (2024). On the Role of Technology in the Meso-level of Critical Discourse Analysis of Feminist Messages in Music in Second Wave Feminism of the 1960s. New Frontiers in Techno-Humanities. Caritas Institute of Higher Education
- Lau, H. Y. (2023). Existential relationship between teacher-centred learning and student-centred learning: Inauthentic solicitude as a necessary condition of authentic solicitude. Engaged Learning & Innovative Teaching in Higher Education International Conference (ELITE 2023). Tung Wah College.
- Lau, H. Y. (2023). Technology-aided learning at the intersection of presence-at-hand and readiness-to-hand and the fusion of horizons among students, technology and teachers. Engaged Learning & Innovative Teaching in Higher Education International Conference (ELITE 2023). Tung Wah College.
- Lau, H. Y. (2023). Dilemmatic constraints on women in emerging second-wave feminism: Heideggerian ambivalence and oscillation between authenticity and inauthenticity. The 6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Social Sciences (ICARSS). The U.K.: Cambridge
- Lau, H. Y. (2022). Problems of exacerbation to Dasein in the modern technological world by Use of the early Heidegger's theories: Readiness-to-hand & presence-at-hand. Conference on Building a Techno-Humanities Culture in Hong Kong. Caritas Institute of Higher Education.
- Lau, H. Y. (2022). On cancel culture from the Heideggerian perspective: Volatility of authenticity & inauthenticity. International Conference of Arts and Humanities (9th).