Name LEE Leo Ou-fan
Present Post Research Professor
Ip Ying To Lee Yu Yee School of Humanities and Languages
Office Address Room A624


Professor Leo Lee graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages at National Taiwan University, where he co-founded the magazine Modern Literature with classmates, including Hsien-yung Pai, to promote literary development. After graduating from NTU in 1961, he pursued further studies at Harvard University in the United States. After earning his Ph.D., he taught at several American universities, including the University of Chicago, the University of California, and Harvard University. In 2004, Professor Lee retired and moved to Hong Kong. Over the years, he has received numerous academic honors, including a Guggenheim Fellowship. He has published nearly 20 books of cultural criticism and scholarly works in both Chinese and English over the past few decades, including Voice from the Iron House: A Study of Lu Xun, Shanghai Modern: The flowering of a new urban culture in China (1930-1945), and The Romantic Generation of Modern Chinese Writers. In addition to literature, Professor Lee's other humanistic interests include classical music, film, and architecture.

Selected Publications

Book 15
李歐梵著(2024)《李歐梵小說》。香港 : 香港文學館管理有限公司。
Book 14
李歐梵(2023)。《我的二十世紀 : 李歐梵回憶錄 》。香港 : 香港中文大學出版社。
Book 13
李歐梵(2023)。《李歐梵文學課 : 世界文學視野下的中國現代文學》。上海市 : 東方出版中心。
Book 12
李歐梵著、季進編(2019)。《現代性的想像:從晚清到五四》。新北 : 聯經出版事業股份有限公司。
Book 11
李歐梵、邵頌雄著(2019)。《諸神的黃昏 : 晚期風格的跨學科對談》。香港:牛津大學出版社。
Book 10
Book 9
Book 8
Book 7
李歐梵(2015)。《文學中的人生》。高雄 : 國立中山大學出版社。
Book 6
Book 5
Book 4
Book 3
Book 2
Book 1