姓名 | 骆泽盈 |
现时职位 | 助理教授 语文及通识(荣誉)文学士 课程主任 叶应桃李如意人文及语言学院 圣方济各大学 |
办公室地址 | A622室 |
办公室电话 | (852) 3702 4331 |
电邮 | blok@sfu.edu.hk |
骆博士在香港大学修读社会工作时对教育政策产生了浓厚的兴趣,并立志透过教育的媒介提升社会整体的生活质素。为此,她先后在英国的约克大学及剑桥大学修毕硕士,哲学硕士及哲学博士课程,藉此对语言教育的理论和教学实践的认识奠定了基础。毕业后,她曾于多间大专院校担任客席讲师工作,当中包括香港理工大学,伦敦大学学院以及香港树仁大学。骆博士现为剑桥大学海外基金会会员及克莱尔学堂(Clare Hall)的永久会员。她的学术着作范围包括语言教育政策,批判性思考及高等教育教学发展。
Turnbull, M., Watson, B., Jin, Y., Lok, B., & Sanderson, A. (2020). Vicarious trauma, social media and recovery in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Psychiatry.
Lok, B., McNaught, C., & Young, K. (2015). Criterion-referenced and norm-referenced assessments: Compatibility and complementarity. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. DOI:
Thomas, K., and Lok, B. (2015). Teaching critical thinking: An operational framework. Critical Thinking in Higher Education. Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education.
McNaught, C., Lok, B., Yin, H., Lee, J.C-H., and Song, H.(2013). Different regions, Diverse classrooms? A study of primary classrooms in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Education.
Lok, B., Fox, R., and McNaught, C. (2011). What Values do Students in Hong Kong Attach to Experiential Learning Opportunities? In E. O'Doherty (Eds.), Education in a Changing Environment: Conference Book, Volume 5. College Station. Salford: Informing Science.
Lee, J. and Lok, B, (2010) A tale of the two Special Administrative Regions (SARS) of China - An overview of English language teaching developments in Hong Kong and Macao. In D. Wyse, R. Andrews, and J., Hoffman (eds.) The International Handbook of English, Language and Literacy Teaching. Routledge: Taylor and Francis Forrester, V., and Lok B. (2008) Native English Teaching Scheme in Hong Kong: Building Communities of Practice. Journal of Asian Social Sciences, 4:5, pp 3-11.
Forey, G., Evans, S., and Lok, B. (2006) Report on the English Needs of Research Students, Department of English: Hong Kong Polytechnic University.