
2017 香港中文大学哲学系博士
1998 香港中文大学哲学系硕士
1995 香港中文大学哲学系学士(一级荣誉)
- 批判思考
- 思考艺术
- 逻辑
- 社会伦理
- 伦理学与道德问题
- 全球背景下的道德困境
- 个人与社会
- 西方哲学导论
- 西方哲学
- 诠释学
- 哲学分析
- 语言哲学
- 儒家思想专题
- 比较哲学研讨班:东方与西方
李敬恒 (2024)《谜样的森林:与你沉迷文学导赏36则》,界限书店 |
李敬恒 (2023)《寻常与作乐:哲学与文艺的25则思考》,香港文学馆 |
- 不简单的「你」:读卞之琳的《断章》,《华人文化研究》,第九卷,第二期 (2021年12月)
- 伊利亚‧卡明斯基:诗三首(翻译),收录于《自由世界的前哨:2022乌克兰战争》,一八四一出版 (2022)
- 乌克兰总统泽连斯基在英国国会下议院演说全文(翻译),收录于《戳穿黑色的寂静踪迹:乌克兰战争、文艺历史与当下》,一八四一出版 (2022)
- "Understanding Religiosity - A Nagelian Interpretation", Conference Proceeding of the Macau Symposium on Analyticity, Practicality and Innovation (2016), pp. 166-177.
- "The Problem of Reference: From a Nagelian Point of View", Proceeding of ICLLS 2015: First International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies. http://iclls2017.wixsite.com/iclls-2015/eproceedings
- K. K. Ying, Kat Leung, Roger Lee and Daisy Chow, "Chinese Composition Teachers' Commentary Styles and Patterns in a Tablet-based Marking Environment", Hybrid Learning: Theory and Practice, 7th International Conference, ICHL 2014, Shanghai, China, August 8-10, 2014, Proceeding (Springer, 2014).
- K. K. Ying, Michael Cheung, Kat Leung, Reggie Kwan, Roger Lee and Kenneth Wong, "Learning through Blogging: Understanding Teacher and Student Perceptions towards English Writing Blogs", Knowledge Sharing through Technology: 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Teaching and Learning, ICT 2013, Revised Selected Papers (Springer, 2014).
- 「从庄子式观点看全人发展」, presented at the Applied Psychology and Humanities in Holistic Development: Philosophy & Practice (ISCAP2018), held at CIHE on 1-3 March 2018.
- 「通识教育的重要:庄子的启示」, presented at「香港大学教育中的通识教育之困难与出路研讨会」, held at Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 28 April 2017.
- "Understanding Religiosity – A Nagelian Interpretation", presented at 「分析、实践与创新思维(澳门研讨会2016)」, held at Grandview Hotel Macau on 22-25 August 2016.
- "The Problem of Reference: From a Nagelian Point of View", presented at the First International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies (ICLLS 2015), held at the Caritas Institute of Higher Education in Hong Kong on 9–10 April 2015.
- "Chinese Composition Teachers' Commentary Styles and Patterns in a Tablet-based Marking Environment" (co-authored), presented at The International Conference on Hybrid Learning 2014 (ICHL 2014), held at the Each China Normal University in Shanghai on 8-10 August 2014.
- "Using Tablet-assisted Think-aloud Protocol to Examine the Composition Marking Behavior of Chinese Writing Teachers" (co-authored), presented at The Inaugural International Conference on Technology in Education (ICTE 2014), held at the Open University of Hong Kong on 2-4 July 2014.
- "A Confucian Conception of the Self: A Nagelian Reconstruction", presented at Contemporary Neo-Confucianism and Western Philosophy: The 9th International Conference on Contemporary Neo-Confucianism, held at Chinese University of Hong Kong on 5 to 7 December, 2011.
- "Selling the Non-saleable: An Ethical Critique of the Commodification of Humanity", presented at the Research Postgraduate Conference 2006, held at the University of Hong Kong on 22 April, 2006.
- Moral Fragmentationism: a Defense, PhD Thesis, (Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017).
- The Subjective and the Objective: the Philosophy of Thomas Nagel, Phil. Thesis, (Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998).