姓名 | 廖颖贤 |
现时职位 |
助理教授 |
办公室地址 | A610室 |
办公室电话 | (852) 3702 4318 |
wliu@sfu.edu.hk |
'Keats and the Stranger at Inveraray', Romanticism 30/2 (July 2024), special issue on John Keats. DOI: 10.3366/rom.2024.0647
'Enlightenment era poetry: Alexander Pope and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu', Sutton Summer School, 6th July 2022, School of English, University of St Andrews. Guest lecture.
'Keats, Kean, and Othello', Notes and Queries 68/3 (September 2021). DOI: 10.1093/notesj/gjab101