姓名 | 黄炳蔚 |
现时职位 | 高级讲师 叶应桃李如意人文及语言学院 明爱专上学院 |
办公室地址 | 913室 |
办公室电话 | (852) 3653 6762 |
电邮 | pwwong@cihe.edu.hk |
基于知网 (HowNet) 的汉语词典学研究
7. 黄炳蔚、李深红、左霭云 (2015):〈香港粤语亲属称谓与拟亲属称谓的变调规律〉,载孙景涛、姚玉敏主编:《第十八届国际粤方言研讨会论文集》(广州:暨南大学出版社),页142-155。
6. 黄炳蔚、李深红 (2012):〈基于语料库的粤语被动句研究〉,载汤翠兰、邓景滨编:《第十五届国际粤方言研讨会论文集》(澳门:澳门粤方言学会),页217-224。
5. Wong, Ping Wai (2012). Semantic Annotation of Chinese Texts with Message Structures Based on HowNet. In Teruhiro Ishiguro & Kang-Kwong Luke (eds) Grammar in Cross-linguistic Perspective: The Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics of Japanese and Chinese. Peter Lang Publishing, 271-299.
4. Wong, Ping Wai and Eden Li (2009). Towards an Understanding of the Nature of Choice of Modulation. In Proceedings of the 36th International Systemic Functional Congress, July 2009, Beijing, China, 14-18.
3. Wong, Ping Wai (2006). The Specification of POS Tagging of the Hong Kong University Cantonese Corpus. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction 2(1): 21-38.
2. Wong, Ping Wai and Yongsheng Yang (2002). A Maximum Entropy Approach to HowNet-based Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation. In Proceedings of the SemaNet workshop, COLING 2002, 24 August - 1 September, 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, 66-72.
1. Wong, Ping Wai and Pascale Fung (2002). Nouns in WordNet and HowNet: An Analysis and Comparison of Semantic Relations. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Global WordNet, 21-25, January 2002, Mysore, India, 319-322.