
- Bachelor of Education (Honours), Liverpool University, 15/07/1985
- Advanced Diploma in Education, The University of Hong Kong, 28/06/1989
- Master of Education, The University of Hong Kong, 06/12/1990
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of South Australia, 06/12/2005
- 教授, 明爱专上学院 (4/2018至今)
- 客座教授, 澳门圣若瑟大学 (10/2014-6/2017)
- 荣誉教授, 北京中国女子学院 (10/2015- 2018)
- 副教授, 香港教育学院 (2006-2015)
- 高级讲师, 香港教育学院 (1998-2006)
- 讲师, 葛量洪教育学院/ 香港教育学院 (1988-1998)
- 助理讲师, 葛量洪教育学院 (1986-1988)
- 课程主任, 明爱专上学院 (4/2018-3/2022)
- 教育硕士课程主任 (幼儿教育), 2011-2015
- 两年全日制教育高级文凭课程主任 (幼稚园), 2006-2015
- 幼儿教育学系副系主任, 2007- 2008
- 幼儿研究及发展中心副主任, 2007 – 2009
- 幼儿园署理课程协调主任 [职衔于2001年转为幼儿教育课程总监及于2008年转为教育学院副院长(课程)], 1997-1998
- 学校体验协调主任/ 教育文凭(幼稚园)两年兼读制课程, 2006-2011
- 合资格幼儿园教师教育课程主任1995-2006
- 合资格幼稚园教师教育(中文)课程协调主任(两年兼读制) 1990-1992, 1994-1995
- Child Development and Assessment
- Early Childhood Physical Education
- Early Childhood Art Education
- Health and Care of young Children
- Learning & Teaching of young children
- Research Methodology
研究或同等资助(2000- 2020, 精选)
- Principal Investigator of "Effect of Instructional methods on promoting preschool children's gross motor proficiency." (HK$70,000. HKIEd Internal Research Grants, 1998-2000).
- Co- Investigator of "Promoting literacy during play through literacy-enriched classroom environments." (HK$180,600. HKIEd Internal Research Grants, 2000)
- Project Leader of "Quality Early Childhood Education: Implementation of project approach in Diocesan Kindergartens". (HK$700,000.00). Quality Education Fund, 2000 – 2003 collaborating with 9 Diocesan Kindergartens)
- Co-Investigator, "Extended Project on Exploring the Project Approach in Hong Kong Preschools: A Collaborative Effort". (HK$45,680. HKIEd Teaching Development Grant, 2001)
- Co-Investigator of "Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong Through the Eyes of Pioneers." (HK$144,245. HKIEd Internal Research Grant, 2002-2003, with Yeung, V. et al)
- Co-Investigator of "Experiences in English in Preschool Settings: Support for preschoolers' language and literacy development. (HK$116,102, HKIEd Internal Research Grant, 2002- 2004)
- Co-Investigator of "An Overall Evaluation of Piloting Zippy's Friends Programme in Kindergartens and Primary Schools of Hong Kong ". ( HK$ 166,710.00, HKIEd Internal Research Grant, 2002- 2004 with Lam et al)
- Co-Principal Investigator of "National Education: Torch of Learning Through Early Childhood Education" (HK$599,500, The Association for Celebration of Reunification of Hong Kong with China Charitable Trust Fund, 2005-2006)
- Co-Principal Investigator of "Extended Project on National Education: Torch of Learning Through Early Childhood Education" (HK$241,500, The Association for Celebration of Reunification of Hong Kong with China Charitable Trust Fund, 2006-2007)
- Co-Investigator of "Evaluation of Early Childhood Chinese Language Learning in Macau" (HK$500,000, Education and Youth Bureau of Macau Special Administrative Region) (2008).
- Principal Investigator of "A Preliminary Investigation of Preschoolers' National Identity Education in Hong Kong" (HK$200,000, Internal Research Grant, The Hong Kong Institute of Education) (2008-2009)
- Principal Investigator of "Issues of Curriculum Management in Preschools: A pilot study" (HK$20,000, Small Scale Research Grant, Department of ECE, The HKIEd) (2009-2010)
- Co-investigator of "A Pilot Study on Hong Kong Preschool Principals' Curriculum Leadership and Management" (HK$20,000, Small Scale Research Grant, Department of ECE, The HKIEd) (2009-2010)
- Project Leader of "Promoting Preschool Quality - School Based Review" (HK$100,000, Granted by ACEI-HKM) (Jan 2010- Aug 2010)
- Project Leader of "OMEP World Project on Education for Sustainable Develeopment (ESD): Hong Kong Preschool Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)" (HK$10,000, OMEP-HK, 2010-2011)
- Project Leader of "Enhancing children's learning and development through integrated multi- media educational programmes". (HK$5,483,100, Quality Education Fund, 2010-2011)
- Project Leader of "North China Pre-School Teachers' Exchange Programme". (HK$1,266,052, Lo Ying Shek Chi Wai Foundation, March 2011- December 2013)
- Principal Investigator of "A Pilot study on Parental Involvement and Education in Hong Kong preschool", ($10,000, funded project by the Hong Kong Child-Rity Association, Aug – December 2014)
- Principal Investigator of "A sustainable model for Promoting early childhood education in village, rural and poor areas of Shandong" ($300,000, funded project by the Hong Kong Child-Rity Association, December 2014 – Sept 2017
- Co- Investigator of "Admitting Ethnic Minority Kindergarteners: Overcoming Challenges and Indentifying Opportunities" (HK$59,170 Funding Programme of Research Project on Equal Opportuntities 2020/21, Equal Opportunities Commission)
期刊论文 (2000-2020)
- Lam, M. Y. H., & Schiller, W. (2001). A pilot study on the gross motor proficiency of Hong Kong preschoolers aged 5 to 6 years. Early Child Development and Care, 171, 11-20.
- Lam, M.Y. H., Ip, M. H. H., Lui, P. K., & Koong, M. K. M. (2003). How teachers can assess kindergarten children's motor performance in Hong Kong. Early Child Development and Care, 173 (1), 109-118.
- Lam, M.Y.H., Lim, S. E. A., Ma, J. C. J., & Adams, L. D. (2003). What Hong Kong teachers and parents think about thinking. Early Child Development and Care, 173(1), 147-158.
- 陈艳媚, 林蓝美容 (2003):幼教先行者所走过的路:香港幼儿工作者先导 - 陈淑安老师,《香港幼儿学报》2(1
- 蓝美容 (2003) 。〈"设计活动" 的推行:香港幼稚园校本核心教师培训计划与效能〉。载中国学前教育研究会编,《中国为了每个幼儿的健康成长 -纪念中国幼儿教育百年学术论文集》(页423-430)。江苏教育出版社。
- Lam, H.M. Y. (2008) Can norms developed in one country be applicable to children of other country? Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 33 No. 4.
- Lam, H. M. Y. (2011). Assessment of preschoolers' gross motor proficiency: revisiting Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. Early Child Development and Care, 181(2), 189-201.
- Schiller, W., Mok, M. M. C., & Lam, H. M. Y. (2011). New directions in assessment of young children in the Asia-Pacific region. Early Child Development and Care, 181(2), 147-147.
- Mok, M. M. C., & Lam, H. M. Y. (2011). Assessment of language development of preschoolers: Validating Morrow's Checklist for assessing early literacy development. Early Child Development and Care, 181(2), 203-220.
- Lam, H. M. Y, & Wong, J. M. S. (2019). Towards a new assessment paradigm: Are preschools convinced? Early Childhood Education Journal. [Online first; doi: 10.1007/s10643-019-01010-x] [SSCI]
书籍和出版的教材(2000-2020, 精选)
- 黄艾珍、蓝美容、王小凤和邱玉月(2000):《幼儿设计活动──火车》,香港,香港教育学院。
- 蓝美容、黄艾珍、陈佩莲、黄少君和黄玉卿(2000):《幼儿设计活动──衣服》,香港,香港教育学院。
- 蓝美容、黎玉贞、张杏冰、谢镜珍(2000):《幼儿体育》,香港,朗文香港教育。
- 蓝美容(主编)、林惠雯、伍瑞颜(2000):《幼儿音乐》,100页,香港,朗文香港教育。
- 蓝美容、张丽霞和梁卫文 (2003):《幼儿美术》,香港,朗文香港教育。
- 林蓝美容、罗正卿、文秀贤、萧少颜(2003):《优质幼儿教育:『设计活动』教学在教区幼稚园的推行与实践 —玩具》,香港,天主教香港教区幼稚园。
- 蓝美容, 何斯浓, 黄銮凤(2011):《优化幼教质素系列 : 学与教校本检视》,香港,教育出版社有限公司。
- 蓝美容, 陈丽娜, 刘宝莲(2011):《优化幼教质素系列 : 儿童发展校本检视》,香港,教育出版社有限公司。
- 蓝美容、朱邓丽娟、孔美琪、林宝云、何伊琪 (2007) : 《幼儿国情教育教材套》,世界幼儿教育联会-香港分会。
- 蓝美容 (Lam, H. M. Y.)、缪慧碧、梁玉兰、黎玉贞、何斯浓、黄国茜、蔡昌(2011): 《「透过多媒体综合教育节目协助幼儿学习与发展」计划资源册》,香港,优质教育基金。
- 孔美琪、王明善、李南玉、李漪湄、唐少勋、杨黄惠唸、蓝美容(2020):《薪火相传始于幼儿教育—中华传统文化教学活动集》,世界幼儿教育联会香港分会
- 蓝美容 (2004) 专题演讲《以儿童为中心的幼儿园课程:「设计活动」/「方案课程」(Project Approach) 的推行》、甘肃省幼儿教育研讨会、二零零四年六月五日、兰州。 (Keynote Speaker)
- 蓝美容 (2007) 《家校合作─现代幼儿教育的挑战》邀请文章宣读第四届中国西部幼稚园改革与发展研讨会、二零零七年 九月十二日、兰州。
- Lam, H. M. Y. (2007). Innovative projects and practices for young children in Hong Kong: The early childhood national education project – Torch of learning through early childhood education. Invited Panel Discussion paper presented at the International Conference on "Promoting learning potentiality for young children" on November 23, 2007, Bangkok
- Lam, H. M. Y. (2008) Challenges in Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong. Invited Panel Discussion Paper presented at the International Panel: Challenges in Early Childhood Education in the Pan-Chinese Region of the 7th OMEP International Conference, 23 may 2008, Hong Kong.
- Lam, H. M. Y. (2009). Assessment of Preschool Children's Motor Performance, Invited Panel Discussion paper presented at International on Second International Conference on Early Childhood Education organized by SRI® College and Smart Reader®, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur25 April 2009.
- Lam, H. M. Y. (2009). School Based Curriculum Development and Management of Hong Kong Invited Symposium paper presented at 2009 Conference on "Early Childhood Education Profession, Quality and Excellency: Early Childhood Curriculum and School Management", 29 May 2009, Taipei.
- 蓝美容 (2011)《香港幼儿教育的发展:政策与挑战》。邀请主讲文章宣读于2011粤港学前教育研讨交流会、6-8-2011、广州。 (Keynote speaker)
- 蓝美容 (2011) 《香港幼儿教师的培养和培训实践》。邀请主讲文章宣读于全国高师学前教育第七届学术研讨会、7-11-2011、杭州。(Keynote Speaker)
- 蓝美容 (2012) 《香港教师如何评量幼儿大肌肉运动技能?》2012年幼儿发展评估沪港研讨会、宋庆玲幼儿教育基金会主办、二零一二年十一月二十六日、上海。(Keynote Speaker)
- 蓝美容 (2012) 《香港如何开展设计活动(方案教学)的研究和实践》。邀请主讲文章宣读于幼稚园课程建设与教育品质提升研讨会、二零一二年十二月十七日、南京师范大学、南京。(Keynote Speaker)
- 蓝美容 (2013)《生命教育在幼儿和家庭方面的发展和实践 —香港的幼儿生命教育课程》。邀请主讲文章宣读于2013年两岸四地教育发展论坛 — 生命教育:与生命同行、二零一三年十二月十四日、澳门。(Invited Speaker)
- 蓝美容 (2014) 《香港家校合作情况:以幼儿教育为例。》邀请主讲文章宣读于"家庭、社区与儿童发展论坛"、二零一四年十一月一日、中华女子书院、北京。(Keynote Speaker)
- Excellence in Teaching Award, The Faculty of Education and Human Development, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, 2012-2013