Dr Joey SIU Chung Yue
- 心理學導論 (2018-至今)
- 社會工作理論與實踐 (二)︰小組 (2018-至今)
- 實習督導 (2018-至今)
- 人本服務機構管理 (2019-至今)
- Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Social Work (2020-至今)
- 人類行為與社會環境 (2018-2020)
- 自我認識實驗課 (2018-2020)
- 社會工作與社會福制導論 (2018-2019)
- 社會工作理論與實踐 (一)︰個案工作 (2018-2019)
- 程式規劃與管理 (2018-2019)
- Successful research grant
- LAU, B.H.P. (Principal Investigator). SIU, J.C.Y. (1 of the Co-investigators).
Title: Adapting to challenges of the tenth decade of life: A mixed method study with Hong Kong near-centenarians and centenarians. (Project Reference No.: UGC/FDS15/M01/19, Host Institution: Hong Kong Shue Yan University).
Funder: Faculty Development Scheme (2019/20), University Grants Committee.
Funded Amount: $1,103,042.
Period: 36 months
- Active research involvement
- SIU, J.C.Y. (Principal Investigator), MO, K.Y.H. (Co-Investigator).
Title: Impact of e-learning on BSW students as a self-directed learner and on social work education
Period: May 2020 to April 2020
- SIU, J.C.Y. (Principal Investigator), CHOW, A.C.Y., IP, M.P.N., KAN, W.S. (Co-Investigator)
Title: A multi-perspective exploratory study on soft skills development of social service workforce in 2020 Hong Kong
Period: August 2020 to August 2020
- Journal Publications
- Ho, R. T. H., Wan, A. H. Y., Au-Yeung, F. S. W., Lo, P. H. Y., Siu, P. J. C. Y., Wong, C. P. K., . . . Chan, C. L. W. (2014). The psychophysiological effects of Tai-chi and exercise in residential Schizophrenic patients: a 3-arm randomized controlled trial. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 14(1), 1.
- Conference Presentation
- SIU, J.C.Y. (2020) Teaching participatory research: A way out for increasing students' interest in research. Successful abstract submission to Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2020 (July 2020; conference cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic)
- SIU, J.C.Y. (2019) Empowering Adult Living with Eczema facing stigma through Methodological Innovation: From the perspective of social work. Successful abstract submission to 9th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health (July 2019)
- SIU, J.C.Y. (2019) Call for interdisciplinary care for adult patients with eczema: Insight from 'Tightrope Resiliency Model' research study. Successful abstract submission to "Bridging the Gap: Translating Interdisciplinary Research into Evidence-Based Practice" International Conference, Hong Kong Shue Yan University. (May 2019)
- SIU, J.C.Y., CHAN, C.H.Y. (2016) Collaborative Focus Group Analysis: Co-Constructing Reality through Researcher-Participant Dialogues. Successful abstract submission at Society for Social Work and Research 21st Annual Conference-Ensure Healthy Development for all Youth, New Orleans, LA, USA (January 2017)
- CHAN, C.H.Y., FUNG, Y.L., SIU, J.C.Y., LEE, O.T.H. (2016) Collaborative Focus Group Discussion as a New Initiative for the Democratization of Knowledge Production. Abstract presented at The 8th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Singapore (June 2016)
- Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies
- CHAN, C. H. Y., FUNG, Y. L. & SIU, J. C. Y. (2016). 童心同行 – 身心靈親子健康手冊 (Booklet on Integrative Body-mind-spirit wellness for parents and children). Hong Kong: Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong. (In Chinese).