姓名 | 吳海雅 |
現時職位 | 學生事務長兼副教授 葉應桃李如意人文及語言學院 聖方濟各大學 |
辦公室地址 | 919室 |
辦公室電話 | (852) 3702 4350 |
電郵 | hnng@sfu.edu.hk |
吳博士認為情意教育方法對學生的全面發展非常重要。ASK(態度、技能和知識)方法貫穿她的整個教學過程。該方法強調情意教育及人生態度。 學生們積極向上的生活態度是她最關心的議題。 吳博士不僅引導學生學習理論和知識,還鼓勵學生反思理論與知識在他們職業和個人生活中的應用。作為一名具有學術和專業知識的副教授,除了向修讀通識教育課的各系別學生傳授知識外,吳博士亦與學生分享她在臨床實踐中的觀察,與學生互動交流人生見解。
吳博士曾於社會科學院教授的學位和副學位課程包括:「輔導學概論」、「人類行為與社會環境」、「自我發展工作坊」, 以及高級文憑課程,包括社會工作學生的「心理學概論」、「醫療機構工作概論」、「人類行為與社會環境」及「自我了解實驗課堂」,並與2010-2015學年教授「應用心理學」高級文憑護士課程。 於 2015-16 學年加入葉應桃李如意人文與語言學院,接觸不同學科的學生,教授通識教育課程「人類性行為與身體神學」及「個人與社會」。
Funding Scheme | Period/ Poject Title | Grant awarded HKD |
Institutional Strategic Grant (ISG) ISG 220104 |
2023-2025 Promotion of Holistic Health of Students in Higher Education: Efficacy of BMS Intervention and Associated Factors of Holistic Health |
$1,000,000 |
Dr. Auyeung Po Cheung Funding Scheme 2022 | 2022-2024 Promotion of students' holistic health through body-mind-spirit intervention and other enhancement modalities |
$1,500,000 |
Institutional Theme-based Grant (CIHE) ITBG190102 |
2022-2024 Associated Factors of Supports for Students with Special Educational Needs in Hong Kong: A Multi-Faceted Approach |
$1,000, 000 |
Sai Kung District Office and Home Affairs Office | 2022-23 Survey on the Happiness Index of Sai Kung District Primary and Secondary Schools |
$110,000 |
FDS (RGC) UGC/FDS11/H13/20 |
2021-2022 Attitudes towards School-Based Sexuality Education among Secondary School Students and Teachers: An exploration of its Associated Factors |
$674,000 |
FDS (RGC) UGC/FDS11/H03/16 |
2017-2019 Exploring the Sexual Self-concept of Female Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse |
$667,100 |
Social Welfare Department 2017 (competitive) |
2017-2019 Evaluation of the Marital Enhancement Services on Marital Satisfaction |
$199,985 |
Social Welfare Department 2017 (competitive) |
2017-2019 Exploring the Changes of Marital Relationship through Marital Counseling |
$199,640 |
Institute Internal Grant (CIHE) 2015 | 2015-2016 Structural and Psychological Empowerment among Social Workers |
$10,000 |
Total | $5,360,725 |