姓名 何啟龍
現時職位 講師
辦公室地址 A618室
辦公室電話 (852) 3702 4313
電郵 klho@sfu.edu.hk







何啟龍:〈突厥語蒙古語的熊、野馬、騸馬、犛牛與牲口——以歷史語言學理論分析游牧經濟史〉[Bears, wild horses, geldings, yaks and livestock in Turkic and Mongolian languages——Analysis of nomadic economic history with historical linguistics theory],《中西元史》,第一輯(2023年),第26—71頁。

何啟龍:〈蒙古國新發現6世紀婆羅米文原始蒙古語碑文與柔然—鮮卑語考證──兼論土族語與吐谷渾語的關係〉[The newly discovered Sixth century Brahmi Mongolic inscriptions in Mongolia, the study of Proto-Mongolian terms in Sirbi and Rouran-Avar, and the relationship between Monguor and Tuyuhun language],《清華元史》,第七輯 (2021),頁1—88

何啟龍:〈檳城南華醫院與香港東華醫院的交流──以中醫考核為中心〉[The link between the Tung Wah Hospital in Hong Kong and the Nam Wah Ee Hospital in Penang: in the case of Chinese medical exam],《元史及民族與邊疆研究》,第三十九輯 (2021),頁132—148

何啟龍:〈琉球國際貿易的盛衰轉變──以入貢明朝的國王附搭貨物為中心〉[The Rise and Fall of Ryukyu Kingdom's International Trade: Focusing the type and amount of goods attached in the tribute to Ming China],南京大学社会学院編:《絲路文化研究》,2020年,第27—50頁。

何啟龍:〈考證征伐女真、高麗的札剌亦兒台與也速迭兒──兼論《蒙古秘史》1252年成書之說〉[The Study of the campaign against Jurchen and Korea by Ĵalayirtai and Yisüder during the reign of Ögedei Khan, and the theory of the Secret History of the Mongols written in 1252 A.D.],《元史及民族與邊疆研究》,第三十四輯(慶祝劉迎勝教授七十壽辰學術論文集)(2018),頁209—233

何啟龍:〈喜瑪拉雅山的雅濟王朝之王統與外交 ── 雅濟國 (Ya-tshe) 跟西藏與元朝及德里‧禿魯黑王朝之關係〉[The Royal Genealogy and the diplomacy of the Himalayan kingdom Ya-tshe: its relationships with Tibet, the Yuan Empire, and the Delhi Sultanate],《元史及民族與邊疆研究》,第三十三輯 (2017年06月),頁147—163

HO Kai-lung, "The Office and Noble Titles of the Mongols from the 14th to 16th century, and the study of the "White History" Čaγan Teüke", Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 59 (2016), pp. 133-177.

何啟龍:檳城、新加坡與香港開埠初期華人義塚之碑銘──華人移民社會的互助殮葬服務〉[Steles of charitable cemeteries in Penang, Singapore, and Hong Kong in their early stage: the charitable burial services of the Chinese Diaspora],《元史及民族與邊疆研究》,第三十輯 (2016),頁182—209

何啟龍:元代蒙譯漢式占卜術是源於官刊曆書或是民譯占卜書--以吐魯番回鶻文書卷與蒙古哈喇布罕古城樺樹皮文書為中心〉[Which is the source of the Mongolian translated Chinese divination? Official Mongolian translated Chinese calendar annotated with divination? or folk translation of Chinese divination booklet?],《元史論叢》,第十四輯 (2014),頁402—412

何啟龍:〈從五色四夷與十六大國看《白史》的歷史層次〉[Investigating the historical layers in the Mongolian White History by the Five-Coloured Nations and the Sixteen Great Realm: via the comparison with the Tibetan origin and the Mongolian translation of Phags-pa's Explanation of the Knowable],《元史及民族與邊疆研究》,第二十六輯 (2013),頁296—317

何啟龍:《授時曆》具注曆日原貌考--以吐魯番、黑城出土元代蒙古文《授時曆》譯本殘頁為中心〉[The Season-Granting Calendar of the Yuan: Study based on its Mongolian translation unearthed from Turfan and Khara-Khoto]《敦煌吐魯番研究》,第十三卷 (2013),頁263—289。

HO Kai-lung, "Spread and Preservation of Chinese Divination in Mongolian, 14th - 17th centuries: the Documents of Dunhuang, Turfan, Qara Qota and Xarbuxyn Balgas", Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 56 (2012/2013), pp. 133-153.

何啟龍:〈元朝帝師藏文法旨《授時曆》--論藏曆與漢曆之取捨〉[The Orders of the Preceptor of Mongol-Yuan in Tibetan, and the Shou-shi-li Calendar: choosing Tibetan or Chinese calendar?],《元史及民族與邊疆研究》,第二十五輯 (2013),頁139—150。

何啟龍:〈十三至十六世紀蒙古曆法的幾個問題〉[Questions about the calendars of the Mongols from 13th to 16th century],《元史及民族與邊疆研究》,第24輯 (2012),頁110—144。 

何啟龍:〈疆理圖錯亂了的東南亞、印度、阿拉伯與非洲地理〉[The wrong position of India, Arabia, and Africa in the map Kangnido],《大明混一圖混一疆理圖研究──中古時代後期東亞的寰宇圖與世界地理知識》(南京:鳳凰出版社,2010),頁33—50。

何啟龍:〈角端、耶律楚材與劉秉忠:以謠言理論研究傳說流變〉[The Unicorn-Jiaoduan, Yelü Chucai and Liu Bingzhong: using the rumor theory to investigate the change of legend],《元史論叢》,第13輯 (天津:天津古籍出版社,2010),頁294—302。

何啟龍:〈七河景教碑屬於阿兒渾人之說〉[The Syriac-Turkic Nestorian Gravestones in Semirechye and their owner: the Arghun Turks],《元史及民族與邊疆研究》,第22輯 (2010年),頁115—133。

何啟龍:〈佛經回鶻文跋文的 čungdu「中都」所指的時間與地點〉[About the Chungdu in the Uighur-script colophon of Buddhist Sutra TM36 (U4791) and T II T623 (U4217) – when and where?],《元史及民族與邊疆研究》,第21輯 (2009年),頁166—173。

何啟龍:〈蒙元和滿清再創造的「傳國玉璽」神話──兼論佛教「二教之門」的虛構歷史〉[The Myth of the Seal Transmitting the State in the Yuan and Qing Dynasties],《新史學》,第19卷第1期 (2008年3月),頁1—50。

Ho, Kai-lung, "An initial study for Mongolian factors inside the Rasûlid Hexaglot", Central Asiatic Journal, 50 (2008):1, pp. 36-54.

何啟龍:〈審音與勘同:《世界征服者史》Ghayïr ïnalčuq 與《元史》哈只兒只蘭禿的再研究〉[Phonetic Identification: Re-investigation between ha-zhi-er-zhi-lan-tu and Ghayir Inalchuq],《元史及民族與邊疆研究》,第20輯 (2007年),頁67—81。

何啟龍:〈元代的江南農業──發展與選擇〉[The Agriculture of Jiangnan (Yangtze Delta) in the Yuan era – the development and the choices],《元史及民族與邊疆研究》,第19輯 (2006年),頁13—26。

Ho, Kai-lung, "The Political Power and the Mongolian Translation of the Chinese Calendar during the Yuan dynasty", Central Asiatic Journal, 50 (2006):1, pp. 57-69.

何啟龍:〈從和林碑文看元代和林城的回回與漢人〉[The Muslims and Han-Chinese of the Qara Qorum city seen by comparing its stele-inscriptions],《元史及民族與邊疆研究集刊》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2006) ,第18輯 (2005),頁5—23。

何啟龍:〈哈勒不渾──巴勒哈孫古城出土蒙文佛經之中的蒙元因素〉[Mongol-Yuan factors in the Mongolian Buddhist archive unearthed from the ruin Xarbuxyn Balgas, Mongolia],《西北民族研究》2005年第2期,頁38—49。
